Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 9/20/2007
Great shot Rachel! I like them both!
Amanda Matzke
{K:319} 5/13/2006
This is an interesting image. The color is a bit alien like with it's saturation. He reminds me of one of the little rascals...I think it would be Alfalfa. Very strange and funny image.
abbe klabbe
{K:-850} 7/10/2005
Just lovely! The tinting suits perfectly.
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 1/9/2005
Thank you so much everyone for your comments! nd Ed, thanks so much! Wow... I didn't even realize that was there until you said something.... and that's weird cause usually those things bother me like crazy! Yes it is very easy to fix it digitally and I will make sure I do that! Thanks again so much for your comments! It means a lot to me! :) ~Rachel~
Ed Krebs
{K:958} 12/31/2004
Just a great portrait! Offbeat, candid,and grabs your attention.
I would use PS to fix that one white pixel under his lip. I spent years touching up dust spots on prints with a brush, and those specks just jump right out at me. It sure is a lot easier to fix them digitally.
Mike Marcotte
{K:3948} 12/15/2004
This is in my face. I like it.
Mitchell Miller
{K:3009} 9/16/2004
Great post-production work!
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 9/15/2004
Vous faites de très beaux portraits et j'aime particulièrement celui-ci, le cadrage, la couleur sepia, l'expression et les yeux ronds du jeune homme, enfin tout ; merci pour votre commentaire, drilan
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 9/4/2004
Love the expression and the tones here. agree with Pat. very powerful image.
bas soldaat
{K:262} 9/4/2004
hey rachel! the second is better indeed, btw haven't spoke to you in a while, checked your email? very nice picture
Bill Glass
{K:71} 9/4/2004
Absolutely magnificent portrait, Rachel. There's something about his freckles and close-cropped hair that reminds me of kids in the '50s, when I was (allegedly) growing up ... so the sepiatone fits the image PERFECTLY for me ... I like it considerably better than the grayscale version. You should be very proud...
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 9/3/2004
Thanks for the comments guys. This is just the way I took it on my camera, it has this kind of sepia looking effect... and I just kept it... but here it is in black and white, and I added a little more contrast.... but anyway, thanks for your comments! Please tell me which photo you like better! :) ~Rachel~

Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 9/3/2004
Powerful. Almost a bit disturbing in some way, but I like it.
Peter C.
{K:3076} 9/3/2004
I like how you've cropped this and that is a cool face with a great expression. I think it would have been nicer in Black and white but that's just me.