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Dried out in the dessert
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Image Title:  Dried out in the dessert
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 By: Andrej V  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Andrej V {Karma:6693}
Project #20 Classic Landscape Camera Model Canon TLB
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio landscape
Lens 70-210mm
Uploaded 3/1/2004 Film / Memory Type ASA100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 708 Shutter n
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Critiques 22 Rating
/ 14 Ratings
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About I am not sure; I found the image without the flower very empty, but now it seems a bit unbalanced too... What do you think?
Thanks for all your comments. I really do appreciate them!
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Dried out in the dessert

There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 4/3/2004
very beautiful the earth's colors, bye


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 3/9/2004
I liked with the foliage: it's very beautiful work! ...but I think it would also beautiful without it, beacause the empty would give another sense for it.
Great work, my friend!

Thanks for your kind comments!


Tim Bronkhorst   {K:9391} 3/6/2004
Ah, your heart still seems to be whit landscaping. I think the problem whit this landscap is that it's to flat. So then it's good to place something in front, or do an other unusual thing. Personally I think you should have shown where the plant came from; take a low point of view, focus on the plant and show us the landscape behind it.
Just some thoughts, Tim.


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 3/5/2004
I think the plant detracts from an excellent image. With the different coloured layers and the mountains in the background this is a good image without the plant. The image could then be made more exciting by playing around in photoshop.
Best regards,


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 3/5/2004
Hallo Andrej! I like this focal area you have here. You left the near plant blur and the background looks perfectly sharp! Outstaning colours! The ground's brown looks not flat! Each rock has different tone! That mean PERFECT quality on this one! Best regards and thanks a lot my friend for your kind commend!


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 3/4/2004
I confirm your doubt. I rather see it without the flower or at least less dominant in the foreground. The photo itself is very nice and shows an awesome landscape. Reards, Rob.


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 3/4/2004
excellent shot of landscape..i like the fore-ground it change the atmosfere of the photo..great


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 3/3/2004
Well its your photograph and I like to see new and different images. You could have a clear and open shot but what would be the difference if it was say a person with the landscape in the background same thing you could say the focus but I have seen it this way before with the background in focus. Just keep posting what you like and want to do that's all that matters to me for I like all kinds of images.


L B.   {K:13965} 3/3/2004
oww shit, that site don't translate from dutch to englisch. I am sorry for overfloading your photo but i got another site, which Can translate from dutch to english: but the translations are not completly correcct. The grammer is bad, becose they translate it word for word, and the english grammer is different from the dutch!! But a least you get what we are talking about!! So from now on Hugo watch your words, Andrej understands us!!


L B.   {K:13965} 3/3/2004
if some one comments on your picture in another language how do you read it?? There stands a link to google who translate it for you! put that one to favorites and kopie the text Hugo and I are telling, translate to your language and voila! (that is french!!) that is the link, let it translate to a language you understand and ready are we!!
greets, Lex


L B.   {K:13965} 3/3/2004
Thanks for the comments, Hugo told me (in dutch) that the flower was a bit to grey, and in ps het made it "clearer" just as you told me!!

I think that withoud the flower indeed the picture would have been to empty, the photo looks wonderfull as it is now, but i think i would have taken the picture from a little more distance from the flower so that the background would have got blurry. But is am sure you have got a excellent reason for "not" doing that!! Overall, as it is i think the picture is excellent!
GReets, Lex


john amore   {K:14015} 3/2/2004
andrej lovely soft clear landscapr good work John


orchid tropic   {K:5431} 3/2/2004
Aloha Drejci..:)
Kot vedno presenecas s kak?nim izvenserijskim posnetkom....odlicen obcutek in oko ima?..:))) Krasna fotka in ta list ji daje vsaj po mojem obcutku nekaj posebnega, dodatek na vrhu ....:))) klasicni pokrajinski sliki je dodan drobec zacimbe..:))) Zelo lepo in sofisticirano..:))))
Lepo je, da si se vrnil, zdaj te dni sem pa jaz spet v strahotni casovni stiski...ampak bom nadoknadila tudi to..:))
hvala ti za vse tvoje prijazne in prijateljske komentarje,,,,tudi jaz sem vesela najinega upam, da mi ne zameri? kak?nih mojih prevec domacih komentarjev....v svojem natur jeziku se tako rada razpi?em, vcasih bi lahko pisala pesmi na vse cudovite slike, pa me neznanje angle?cine tako hudo muci, da se potem pri tebi izkasljam s pretiranim pisanjem....nekje mora it ven vsa energija, ki se nakopici ob gledanju teh cudovitih mojstrovin..:)))) sem spet zasla v vode nakladanja....sej bos ti namesto mene potem to skrajsal...a ne..:)))
z?elim ti lep vecer in u?itkov poln jutri?nji dan....z najlep?imi ?eljami...Orchid

great photograph ...I think, that the flower gives the photo some extra view....a little bit of spice and flawour on the clasic landscape shot..:)) Fantastic idea..:))
best regard, Orchid


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 3/2/2004
It's very beautiful the way it is. This photo is rich in colors.
I like it a lot!


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 3/2/2004
Just amazing. I love it so much. Excellent landscape. Well composed and with great tones.


Peter    {K:4365} 3/1/2004
Landscapes are difficult. Hard to photograph while maintaing that sense of vastness and distance - thinks just seem to flatten out. IMHO I would lose the plant and increase the DOF so the distant mountains are in sharper focus. (Or replace the plant with something more substantial, giving an anchor to the forefront). I think this image, with the undulating landscape, would have survived the 'flattening' problem I described earlier. Regards.


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 3/1/2004
This is a hard one... I love the colours, and especially the darker "stripes" of sand is so beautiful! Actually everything is really nice together, and I also like this composition with this flower thing in foreground. It just feels out of focus. (Not the whole photo, only that flower thing).


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/1/2004
Hi Andrej, Good to have you back! An excellent shot of the barren landscape. The detail of the flower can be really complementing to a composition, but in this case, I agree that it places the composition out of balance. I think there are two reasons:

1. The flower / feather (it looks like a feather!) is out of focus. This distracts from the barren landscape, makes you focus on the flower, which is out of focus and thus distracting.
2. I think the flower can be a nice break in the otherwise a bit boring compositon (no other focus point than the horizon) but it seems to appear out of nowhere. In other words, there's no reference to its origin. This way I think it splits the composition in stead of adding to it.

Hope you understand what I mean...:) Thanks alot for your very nice comments!




Nedim Muhic Nedim Muhic   {K:14362} 3/1/2004
Zdravo Andrej,
budi siguran da si napravio izuzetnu fotografiju upravo zato sto krajolik ne sadrzi gotovo nista od flore. Odlicno.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 3/1/2004


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 3/1/2004
Hi!....Andrej..: I think that The Landscape would have been fine without the Dried out Plant, however, the Main Part of the Scenery is Ok!!!!

Re:Andrej!..We all missed you, me in Particular...Great to Have youy Back online!...I really do, appreciate your Friendship!...and Thank you, for catching up on your many, comments this morning.....Your, Photographic Friend...Jeff!!!


Alex Teller   {K:8286} 3/1/2004
Andrej, this is an excellent picture with or without plant. I look for things that are different from the ordinary, for good compositions or abstracts, interesting colors, vivid or otherwise unusual, differentiation between foreground and background, etc. Your picture responds well to all these expectations, thus I like it a lot, my friend.
Best regards, Alex




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