Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 12/29/2004
Excellent capture. Very beautiful view with reflection too. Regards, 'Surya'
Fabrizio Fiorucci
{K:4871} 10/20/2004
Great reflections!
Annika Ekebert
{K:1741} 3/6/2004
This is so wonderful. The composition and reflections are great. My compliments!
Jorg Reif
{K:16020} 2/19/2004
Beautiful quiet landscape, great colors, yes, I think a closer crop would have given more atmosphere. Regards Jorg
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 2/16/2004
great reflection.cong.-
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 2/15/2004
Good shot Andrej. Very nice colours from the exposure. Great reflections at the very waveless water's texture.
Johnny K
{K:12635} 2/15/2004
Great reflection !!!
MCHK 2000
{K:4701} 2/14/2004
Hi Andrej V, Thanks for your comments to my photos. This is just a beautiful landscape photo, well composed with excellent reflections, well done, congrats !!! MCHK2000
Luther Chong
{K:3585} 2/12/2004
Good photo. It could be better with more foreground (grassy area) or none at all (little tree too), as one of the other reviewers indicated. The polarizer comment is also good since the reflection and sky would become outstanding.
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 2/5/2004
Andrej, You have a good eye for the picture, keep true to yourself about composition as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You seem also very fortunate to have good friends and to be able to travel to locations of extreme beauty. The compsositon and cropping are a matter of personal taste and I find your rendition very pleasing, but the other opinions are valid as well. It is true that a better exposure of the sky would add tremendously to the power of the image. Adjusting your exposure for the sky would be the best place to start and work backwards to adjust foreground exposure at the print stage. A polarizer might just be what you needed, but that might also change the reflection somewhat. A graduated ND filter is also an otion. You are only limited by your imagination. Keep going and shoot as much as you can! Thanks for your recent comment, Cary
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 2/5/2004
bellissimi colori e riflessi eccezionali. Una bellissima foto di un bel panorama
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 2/4/2004
just wonderful
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 2/3/2004
You have got so many interesting and clever comments on this, I really like reading them! Most of them do have a point, worth thinking about, but at the same time we all seem to agree that it still is a really wonderful shot! Fantastic reflections, and the fresh air almost comes through my screen!
john amore
{K:14015} 2/3/2004
also a great shot good color very natural John
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 2/2/2004
Hi Andrej, You wrote, "some lines on my Trees in reflection even before your comment about the crop you sugested... I still do not know what would be better: The way you croped it or the way HUGO sugested it; with lower prospective and with the grass." My opinion is, in this sort of image I like my eye to be swept right in by the reflection then on to the mountains and trees. Also if the bush is removed the reflection gives a line which takes the eye in perfectly. The fringe in the front attracts my eye away from the lake. I don't think you need any extra depth with this image it's all there already and can't be bettered. Only my opinion mind but I think these discussions are of great value to all concerned. Maybe someone else has something to say? Regards, Graham.
Dusan Zutinic
{K:2847} 2/1/2004
You have done it quite good, better say wonderful composition with 1/3 line. Regards from Serbia !!!
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 1/31/2004
Beautiful place you've captured here Andrej. I like the grass in front, I don't thik it destracting at all and cropping the bottom of the image not only would make the composition a little unbalanced (then there would probably be too much sky) but, like Hugo remarked, then the picture would become pretty classic and would loose the touch of originality. The colours are gorgeous but too bright. Did you use saturation to adjust them? The reflections are great. I Like this photo a lot though. It's a retty good shot Best regards
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 1/30/2004
Jim has covered most things it is certainly very blue. I think a CP would really help, it is a beautiful place you have captured it well..regrads roger
Alex Teller
{K:8286} 1/30/2004
Overall this picture is between very good and splendid. I would recommend using one or more of 3 filters: UV, Polarizer, and/or Sky Filter. I don't know if you have Photoshop or similar to correct some of the imperfections, after you get a digital file from scanning. Your intentions and desire for improvement are excellent. I am trying to do exactly the same. You are an excellent photographer and I love your pictures. Best regards, Alex
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 1/30/2004
Stunning tranquil beauty captured.
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 1/30/2004
The grass in the foreground adds the right amount of depth to the shot and, IMHO, it shuld be kept. The resulting composition is excellent, with its lovely color contrasts enhanced by a strong saturation and a rather sharp lighting. Congrats, Andrej! Best regards, Paolo
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 1/29/2004
Good reflection and DOF in a great colourful panoramic view. I think the front fringe and side bush need removing. I've done this, what do you think? Regards, Graham.

Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 1/29/2004
Excellent work! Very beautiful! My regards!
Tim Bronkhorst
{K:9391} 1/29/2004
The little part of grass infront is excellent, it adds some extra dept of field. I do think it looks a little overlighted at the top right corner. But overall the picture looks excellent, the strong bleu/green colors and the wonderfull reflections. Good stuff Andrej! Greets Tim.
jorge fragoso
{K:46} 1/29/2004
Hello Andrej, thanks for your comments to my photos.im happy that you like my portraits. im only an amateur that likes bw photos, almost my photos are made with this film Ilford hp5, and my camera is an old nikon f4, it`s like a tank :) but sometimes i switch my colored photos to bw. Hug from Portugal, Jorge
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 1/28/2004
wonderful landscape!!! regards Jani
Andrej V
{K:6693} 1/28/2004
Thanks to your all helpfull comments I know what sould I do next time; Take a few of them and decide which one is better later!!! :)
LEX: I think that the idea would be with different angle and without the grass or like Hugo said, few steps back and with different DOF to make it blur, or sharp if it is something special... I keept it because i felt image would be empty without it, but i didn't want it to have a significant part, so I left only a tiny small place of it...
HUGO: Thanks a lot! You really know how to open imagination for shots... As allready confirmed to Lex I just must agree with you. The grass must stay but as you said a bit diferently composed; However about the colors I have to say I did add a bit cayan and magenta but I guess I increased saturation too much... I had a very powerfull colors that day and a green reflection on the lake is because of the forest on the left which we can not see. The bad part is, that it was taken in the middle of a day, but when traveling sometimes you do not have any other option.
KIM: yes I was also pissed off about the sky. But it was midday in the alps where we have high level of UV and it just didn't work.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 1/28/2004
Great scene!Beautiful colors!Lights,clarity,and composition are excellent. Regards...Orazio
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 1/28/2004
Such a beautiful view Andrej! Wonderful reflections and great colours. I like it a lot! Regards, Diana.
jorge fragoso
{K:46} 1/28/2004
Hello Andrej! Beautifull Photo! your country is very beautifull.Hug from Portugal.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 1/28/2004
The grass at the front adds foreground interest for me, so I would opt to keep it in. The one thing that this photo is screaming for is a Neutral Density Graduated filter... this would tone down that sky and make it more level with the reflection. I find that the sky is so blown out it keeps drawing my eye up there so I'm not looking where I should be... at that great reflection.
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 1/28/2004
This is so beautiful! What a wonderful reflection photo. I think the colors are great! Lovely! Carolyn
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 1/28/2004
Well I like the grass in the foreground it gives the image a starting point that way you have the lake. I'm sure those with rules will howl but there are no rules to me for after all an image is just an image should look how your eyes see it. Great reflection and image.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/28/2004
Hi Andrej, Apart from the exquisit scenery (so beautiful and tranquile.....) and the composition, which is very consistent with your other work (meaning: Very, very good!) there are several remarks I would like to make..... In the colour tuning, I think you were a bit enthousiastically on the magentas and cyans; it shows everywhere.... (the water, the grass, and the trees, especially in the dark parts) If you should have included the grass in front? Difficult one! I think it is either with, or without. The way the photo is now, I think it is somewhere in between.... Cropping the grass would make it a very classical photo, nice, but stripped of all atmosphere. Including the grass can add the athmosphere, but only if there's something of interest in there; a blur due to the DOF, or an item to add to the composition and break the classisism a bit. I think the solution is to include the grass, and take the photo from a few steps back, with a really low camera perspective. The grass would "tower" above the mountains, creating an amaising sense of distance..... I wonder what you think, please let me know!
PS: Please take another look at Tim's last photo....;)
L B.
{K:13965} 1/28/2004
Well then could you also tell me that idea of leaving the grass?? (maybe could learn something of it)So please tell me why you leaved it on, i probably change thoughts! Lex
orchid tropic
{K:5431} 1/28/2004
?ivjo Andrej..:) vau...kak?na fotka....krasne barve, fantastičen odsev v vodi...zelo lepo!! Tudi ostrina je ok, čeprav je verjetno tako kot pri meni skener pač vzel svoje....:(( ampak to ni najbolj pomembno....pomemben je seveda tudi občutek za objekt in kompozicijo slike, kar pa tebi ne manjka...:) Lepo se imej....pozdravček na ?tajersko..:)
(p.s....rada bi te samo vpra?ala, ali se tudi tebi dogaja, da nima? rangiranja oz. ocene fotke, komentar pa?)
Excellent photo again in your Portfolio, fantastic reflection and great colors....very beatiful view. Congratulation, best regards, Orchid
Roy Schulenburg
{K:540} 1/28/2004
excellent landscape... regards roy
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 1/28/2004
Hi Andrej : Excellent Landscape Photograph, bold colours, and detail....!!! Regards: Jeff.
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/28/2004
You've done a good job with placing the horizon at the bottom 1/3 line of your frame, but reflections can also do well with the horizon at the half way point in your frame. See the attached. I would recommend using a circular polarizer. The sky is rather washed out and a polarizer would help saturate the color in your image a little more. I think this type of image would work with and with out the grass in the foreground. The bush on the far bottom left is a bit of a distraction, but nothing too bad. Excluding it from the frame would be an improvement. Good job maintaining the DOF through the entire image.

Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 1/28/2004
Excellent reflection...beautiful image.........
L B.
{K:13965} 1/28/2004
Ahh again a wonderfull picture. Great reflections. To bad you see a part of the sort you stood when you took the picture. If that wasn't there the water would look huger. And what is that at the other side of the water under the tree? A tent? (The blue thing)! Greets, Lex
Lucas B.
{K:525} 1/28/2004
Excelente reflexo... boa composiçăo!!!