{K:26787} 11/3/2004
Stunning picture ...
Annika Ekebert
{K:1741} 10/20/2004
Wow, Just amazing! Beautiful and perfectly done. Regrads!
Alex Teller
{K:8286} 3/13/2004
Andrej, this is another stunning picture in which you are again exceeding yourself. The combination of the heavy clouds with the sunny mountain peaks and the dark forest is a supreme achievement of photographic perfection. Nothing can be better. Maybe one day I will get to some mountains too and try to emulate your lesson. And thank you so much for generous words on the St. Basil Cathedral. Your distant friend from California, Alex
john amore
{K:14015} 3/12/2004
talk about drama and mystery Andrej stunning well done John
john amore
{K:14015} 3/12/2004
talke about drama nad mystery Andrej stunning well done John
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 3/5/2004
Great sky in this nicely layered and textured image. As you say the foreground is a little dark and needs a little PS attention. Best regards, Graham.
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 2/18/2004
Maybe ps would bring out the darkness some. It's what you want in a photographer for after all its your image. Nice composition.
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 2/6/2004
Hi Andrej : Very Dramatic Lighting.....Nice photograph, yes I agree with you, some wiork in PS, would improve the picture....however, stil a good photograph....!!!
Regards: Jeff. Ps: Thank you, for your comment...Jeff!
orchid tropic
{K:5431} 1/31/2004
?ivjo Andrej..:) Vidim, da si me ?e čist u du?o uspel prebrat skozi moje slike...:))) in hvala za tvoje komentarje.... res imam rada naravo, oblake, ro?ice in s tem se opajam in črpam energijo za ljubezen..:)))) Danes sem se sprehajala po Volčjem potoku in popolnoma pozabila na čas, skoraj so mi roke zmrznile na fotoaparatu, toliko sem imela dela..:))) Lep in sončen dan je bil in res se ga je splačalo pre?iveti v naravi... ups...sorry...sem se preveč razgovorila...ne zameri...lepo se imej, Orchid
Magic view of nature....great shot and fantastic colors contrast ...Fantastic!! best regards, Orchid
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 1/30/2004
Ohhh Great composition!!! Excellent work!!! I loved the golden light and the beautiful shadow! My regards!
Thanks for your kind comments about my work!
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/18/2004
Yes, you handle the nature photos really well too! This light and sky behind the dark trees... WOW! So impressive, even scary! Very good!
Bill Krul
{K:5597} 12/15/2003
An outstanding image. Wonderful color,light and contrast. best bill
David Orea
{K:5292} 12/15/2003
Nice composition, Andrej. Golden color plus blue sky between the dark clouds and black shadows. A very amazing image. Congratulations!
Ferran Lacruz
{K:5466} 12/15/2003
Beautiful landscape.Very nice colors.Saludos Ferran
Barbara Bremigan
{K:1164} 12/14/2003
Beautiful lighting and composition. Thanks for your kind comments.
xy x
{K:41915} 12/10/2003
great view and nice warm colours, excellent composed, congrats!
Hojla, Andrej! Lepo, da si se oglasil, saj bom skoraj pozabila pisati v domačem jeziku :)..hvala ti za komplimente, ampak tvoje fotke so zelo dobre in jim prav nič ne manjka. Dobrodo?el torej na usefilmu in ?elim ti veliko uspeha na tem portalu! LP!
{K:30945} 12/10/2003
Beautiful capture of light!
{K:9693} 12/10/2003
magnific lighting! cheers
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 12/9/2003
Lovely colorful natural beauty.
Phil M
{K:11526} 12/9/2003
Great lighting! Very dramatic. :)