CorrieLynn Jacobsen
{K:9882} 3/6/2004
this is so sweet, very handsom little boy! i like the framing, welldone!-corrie
Francesca May
{K:6877} 2/22/2004
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 2/12/2004
hi rebecca thanks for all your comments, the people I take don't know and I don't tell them but I will printout a photo if I think it is okay and give it to them. They usally have a pleasant surprise. This is an attractive shot and he looks a fine fellow in his hat. I think I would of cropped it more closer to him and maybe made it a touch darker via levels or curves but that is me. WIth your new shots they seem to be too small. I think you take wonderful shots with your nikon and you BW are very good how come you switched?...regards roger
Geolash asatia
{K:126} 2/11/2004
I reat shoot. Regards
Julio C. Fores
{K:673} 2/6/2004
Hey Becky, I like the way hes looking at the camera, i also like the way you framed it. really nice shot.
altur .
{K:6087} 1/25/2004
Very good portrait. I like the angle and the cropping too. Good work. Best regards, Alex
Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 1/23/2004
Charming shot, Rebecca. I read your bio and we have a lot in common - except I have no grands! ( Well, it's nice to meet you and I look forward to seeing more from you.
Geraldo Ferreira
{K:548} 1/22/2004
Well.. Enigma in smille.
Geraldo do Mato Grosso
aYbabtU :-)
{K:174} 1/15/2004
I like the border between light and shadow, good composition Rebecca
I wonder if you could try to take a portrait of this young gentleman with his face shadowed by the hat with only some little dots (points) of light coming through the brim of the hat. I can see some of those light points here and i like them very much :-)
Robert Walls
{K:1728} 1/13/2004
This handsome fellow must be about four is he? Nice picture.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 1/13/2004
Thank you all. Ann has fantastic portraits, Gabriel has some beautiful work! Especially the macros.. And aYbabtU has wonderful landscapes! I'm flattered you all took time to comment.
aYbabtU :-)
{K:174} 1/13/2004
very good portrait :) it's easy with such a handsome model, isn't it :-)
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 1/13/2004
wonderful portrait, lovely!
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 1/13/2004
Nice work . congrats anne...