Val .
{K:4973} 11/21/2003
i agree with Peter Burda ;-))
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 11/19/2003
mustafa ilker helvacioglu
{K:3825} 11/19/2003
wonderful and creative long shutter speed photo. congrats!
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 11/19/2003
Electric vibrant stuff Dodo, well done on a great abstract. Cherie
{K:17069} 11/19/2003
I get it now!!!! This is amazing!! I will try it myself. Awesome!!!!!
ppdix says 7*******
{K:9693} 11/19/2003
great photo! you have a very good portfolio in colour/light/motion. congrats! cheers, Jose
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 11/19/2003
drive fast, die young :) and don?t forget to shoot fine pics like this one !!
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 11/19/2003
wooow! excellent abstract!
dodo simko
{K:217} 11/19/2003
thankju peto :)) mne tiez takmer oci vyskocili ked som to videl :))
stefano mannucci
{K:4793} 11/19/2003
Nice shot !! Congrats. Ciao Stefano
Peter Burda
{K:4807} 11/19/2003
BINgo ! it is driving to my favs ! ps : 1 :-))))))))))))) som sa dobreee pobavil 1/04/2003 Valsidal Ruzam - XaTzRu (Karma: 3,319; Charisma: 60.2)
no aj tadeto moze viest cesta ja by som sa s tymi farbickami este pohral na prvy pohlad to vyzera ako od doda simka ;-))) - cize vobec nie zle! ;-))
11/19/2003 Dodo Simko (Karma: 190; Charisma: 34.4)
5 x excelent ... musim sa vela ucit mamicka, vela ucit ... :)) zvykol som si u teba ze to robis dobre ale touto som dnes uplne ocareny ....
Cathy Barrows
{K:1897} 11/19/2003
cool image
Titus Powell
{K:1731} 11/19/2003
Cool photo! Like electricity!