Ursula I Abresch
{K:6515} 9/22/2003
A California poppy!!! This is my favourite flower. We used to have a lot of them in Valparaíso, Chile, where I grew up, and I always loved them, and the very soft and cool to the touch leaves that they have. This picture is beautiful, I wouldn't change a thing. The colours, textures, shapes are excellent.
Thank you for your comment on Nova Scotia Sunset II - I will try the different crop one of these days, but more than that it also gives me ideas for other pictures. Thanks again!
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 9/17/2003
Excellent macro! Great color and wonderful detail! I like the crop, too!
Gabriele Pfund
{K:11745} 9/11/2003
Wow, what a strong, vibrant yellow!!! Very nice composition and details, too! I don't think that more saturation would enhance here something; might even look overdone. To me it's great as it is. Thanks and regards
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 9/1/2003
perfect macro!!! regards!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 8/28/2003
Thanks Vince, for taking a look... I don't know why but my crappy scanner does like the flower images better than the rest. Weird, but a true fact! *grin* I will try out some more saturation and a little more contrast to see the difference.
Just a side note...the camera is a F80 outside of the States... it's the international model of the N80.
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 8/28/2003
Outstanding capture Kim. I think the composition here is what really stands out in my opinion. The depth is also excellent which is always important when shooting these macro-flower scenes. It also appears that your scanner does these types of images better than most others....or perhaps you have a new scanner as well as camera and lenses. The only thing I would personally look at adding is perhaps just a bit more contrast as well as a few points of saturation to give only a little added pop. Either way another excellent photograph as is!
By the way the camera is called an N-80, not an F-80....just in case some start looking to check that camera out. How do you like so far??
John Barclay
{K:3650} 8/28/2003
In answer to your question. I really like the new Velvia 100F better for shadow areas. Not quite as punchy in color as Velvia but much stronger than Provia. I find myself shooting in more and more.
Regarding your comment on the Suzi's shot... It is not a pseduo pan it is a REAL pan. It was taken with the Hasselblad XPAN cameara which is a true pan cameara. No masking going on there the image is as taken. If your not familiar with the XPAN you can look at www.xpan.com a very fun camera!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 8/26/2003
Thanks Betsy and Mr Arrey. Betsy, I can't wait until you get your close up lenses... they really add a new element of creativity. Mr Arrey, usually I shoot Velvia slide film which is know for its vibrant colours, even yellow. Since I was practising I used Fuji Superia and asked the lab to match the colour to a slide I had taken of this same flower. With print film the lab tech can play around a lot with colour, all you have to do is ask.
Thanks again!
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 8/26/2003
Normally, when making a Macro pic, I use a very big aperture, but this is a very powerful pic. I like it. How did you intense the yellow colour. I alsoways have problem make pics of yellow motives. Well done!
Betsy Hern
{K:12872} 8/25/2003
Well, I love the colors here and the background is not distracting, the greenish-blue seems a nice opposing force to the bright yellow. I guess I'd like to see a bit more focus on the very center of the flower. The center shadows are a nice touch. I just bought some close-up lenses for my Yashica Mat so I will be experimenting soon, too. Hope my experiments come out as good as yours.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 8/25/2003
I would love to hear others comments on this... as only 11 people have viewed this I would like more of a range. I guess 3 comments for 11 views ain't bad, but there must be some different things to try. I was just playing with my F80, but still trying to create something that was beauty. Does it work for you? Is the green in the bg distracting?
Thanks in advance....
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 8/25/2003
Thanks for the comments, and thank you Al.... I forget sometimes that not everyone has high speed internet. Since the max allowed at Usefilm is 300k per image I try to get close to that so my quality is the best it can be.... I have never tried saving for the web, but I will from now on!
Thanks for taking a look!!!
Francesco Bazzi
{K:953} 8/25/2003
Wuaoh Excellent color excellent quality nice work.Congrats"Francesco"
{K:16195} 8/25/2003
Wowwww I am very sory for the mistake.. surely 7/7 but my mistake..forgive me please. Regards, Hayri.
{K:16195} 8/25/2003
Excellent macro with great colors and details. Very nice lighting used. Regards, Hayri.
Al Camp
{K:539} 8/25/2003
Sure is great to see someone take the time to use a tripod for a photo. Good color saturation, which is hard to do with this flower some times. Cameras tend to over or under expose. Next time try saving file for Net at a lower quality level, like around 4 with PhotoShop. This file was 209K!! At a lower level, which still looks great on the Net, it would have been 50 to 60K at most and would load a lot faster. (Oh, with karma of 11K you must already know about oversized files. Sorry)