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One For Mr. Christian
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Image Title:  One For Mr. Christian
Favorites: 0 
 By: Roger Skinner  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer Roger Skinner  Roger Skinner {Karma:81846}
Project #67 Emotion Camera Model Canon 5D
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Landscape
Lens 28-300 Canon
Uploaded 8/4/2009 Film / Memory Type 4Gb Flash Card
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 297 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 12 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Smith's Beach
Country - Australia   Australia
About yeah ya see there is this WA photographer.. lives in Dunsborough WA.. has a beautiful gallery full of pictures yet not a single photograph.. all these pictures are of beaut looking places predominantly in WA but all are tweaked pulled pushed.. sort of like a seventy year old you know like a Hollywood former star.. clinging to the wreckage of her former beauty by fifteen facelifts forty four skin grafts Botox and anything else in the toolbox of the plastic surgeon.. I mean I mean.. I mean why oh why do so called photographers have to ramp up the saturations in their colours why do they have to use blur in pools of water why do they have to stitch ninety nine photographs together to make a five foot long megorama.. its like kids in the lolly shop, with an unlimited budget.. yeah.. thats it behaving like a bunch of spoiled brats.. why do they do it.. because they can.. Now I know they can and so do you.. but the stupid public see this sort of stuff you know the Ken Duncans the Steve Parishes of the world HAVE to feel they can improve on nature… it depresses me greatly that the general public and not only the GP but the institute that purported represents the trade.. no wait lets call it a profession the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers go about lauding such meddlings.. and may the best meddler win.. now I am not saying we shouldn’t meddle as photographers have been doing that since the first darkroom dodgenburn guy ever did the first dodge and burn or decided to over print the shot by three seconds to put a bit of oomph .. to kick nature in the bum as it were.. but slapping her face and making her a tart, is a completely different thing.. rant over.. for now to be continued..
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 8/8/2009
ahh ya learn somthin' every day.. I had put the explanation of what I had done with the attachment.. did'nt register.. here it is.. that is this is waht I did to the other pic
this one on the other hand has been tricked up.. started as three images stitched together then I got rid of the spec that is the crap on the sensor using the Healing Brush Tool.. then I selected an elliptical selection then inversed the selection feathered the edges 250pixeld then increased the saturations using the Levels tool. I then selected the water immediately around the rock using the Edit in Quick Mask tool to make my selection then turned that off and blurred the water selection using Gaussian Blur at about 10 pixels. I then darkened the sky area by using the Polygonal Lasso set to a saw tooth pattern just to smack the selection really hard when I feathered it and adjusting the levels down then whilst that selection was still active I tweaked the contrast and Brightness.. Brightness about 10 lighter and trast about 15 or maybe 25. I treated the landward side of SLR by using the Magic Wand Tool and I adjusted the levels to a tad lighter to bring some detail out and then the Brightness and Contrast Tools the same as the above.. I may have adj the colours I cant remember.. I did it this morning and its now afternoon. I then selected the shoreline rocks using the Polygonal Lasso Tool and feathered the selection to 150 then adj the levels to bring out a smidge more details then with the same selection live I adjusted the colour increasing the red tones by +5 then out of curiosity I hit the Auto Colour to see what would happen and boing!!.. the shoreline came to life as rich red.. but I thought it looked too much like you know who’s you know what so I pulled the Levels or was it Brightness Contrast the nit looked good except that there was not enough light coming from the sky to illuminate the shore side of SLR and the shore rocks so I hit up the small break in the clouds on the top RHS where a small hint of crepuscular ray was evident .. I drew a saw tooth selection around it feathered it to 250 and really went for the Levels Tool adj the levels to lighten the area. I then reduced the Halo effect around SLR because it was too strong by doing a polygonal lasso around the sky periphery of the rock.. and I think that was about it.. it took about 20-30 minutes…Oh yeah an I tried reducing the light blue bit of the sky on the LHS.. I cant remember what I did there but I was trying to reduce the punch it had.. but whatever I di it didn’t work.. so yeah.. bummer


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 8/8/2009
umm yeah heres a trickt up one for ya matey


this one on the other hand has been tricked up.. started as three images stitched together then I got rid of the spec that is th

Liz Wallis Liz Wallis   {K:26133} 8/8/2009
You missed my point, but......

If I told you that you can't tweak AT ALL, not even like we would in a darkroom, then that would be okay with you. You would wholey and soley use natural, available light, and not a flash, to fill in what isn't there?

Dodging, burning, and "little tweaks" (darkroom or PS etc) are still have added, subtracted or manipulated something that wasn't that way when you took the photo. It's like lying, you can't tell a "little white lie"...because a lie, is a lie, is a lie :). I do understand that some people push the point and move well beyond the original picture that was...but you know, a lump of clay was just that, before someone turned it into the beautiful statue, or object d'art.

I get your point though...and as always we are all entitled to our opinions


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 8/8/2009
well not really Liz.. that is a choice of media.. and maybe we should call it photomedia instead of photography becuase it anit photgraphy anymore and it will never be accepted as art.. becuase its not.. its artiface...Charcoals silverpoint, watercolurs oils etc are media as photography used to be.. but I maintain my point giving nature a kick in the pants is not as bad as slapping her in the face and treating her like a s&^t.. sorry but reality must rule tweaked but not tumbled


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 8/8/2009
hehe yeah.. I was gonna do the whole naked mermaid thingy but my plunger broke.. hmm sounds obscure.. well it was meant to be... thanks for the look and the comment Tosh...


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 8/7/2009
wish i was here now is much more poetic
Davids suggestions too opportunity lost I guess.


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 8/5/2009
yep.. hence I used two different terms when describing Christian's work... pictures everywhere and not a photograph in sight..


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 8/5/2009
I like all these Roger but this is my favourite, a fish leaping would add a bit of interest or perhaps you could stitch in the ass end of a sunken japanese battleship, there must be one in your toolbox somewhere, c'mon man, have a bit of a go, adobe don't make that stuff to have you leave it in the box! cheers, david.


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 8/5/2009
You are singing my song....... I have always been and will continue to be... just see, shoot and share. Liz is close... ya canna tell an artist what they see... but, and this is pivitol....... when meddling in photography... too much meddlin' equals graphic art... and photography slips by..... The "artist" may see and shape and bend... but kiss my arse on main street... that is NOT photography. Nice work ole man.....


Liz Wallis Liz Wallis   {K:26133} 8/4/2009
It's like telling an artist he can only use charcoal to create his artistic works can't and people will always do as they please


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 8/4/2009
you mean there now Maja?? yeah its not a bad little spot


Maja Š Maja Š   {K:17951} 8/4/2009
ou I wish I was here now..




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