Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 8/7/2009
My Mom had been visiting and then I was ill for a bit with the flu.. so not been posting much. I'll post soon as I went to Pt Arena recently... :)
thanks for saying Hi... Mary
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 8/1/2009
Mary, I hope you are ok. I have not seen you post anything in some time. I know you have quite a passion for photography so I hope you are just busy and will be posting here again soon. I am anxious to see more of your work, especially since you are from my area. I think we can effectively encourge and inspire eachother. Best to you, Brigitte
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 6/3/2009
Thanks... :) Hope you had a nice vaca... thanks for your photos as it brought me to a great day with my friends at Salt Point...
We didn't take the dogs this time because we weren't sure of the access. I am going to Pt Arena in a few weeks for a mini 3 day vaca.. I'll post after I return...
I'll keep my eye for you pics too.
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 6/1/2009
Beautiful capture Marie - love the birds flying through the setting sun. Sorry I wasn't able to reply to your earlier comment but I had been away on vacation this past week. Hope you enjoyed your visit to this lovely place. You probably already know that dogs are not allowed on trails but are allowed in the picnic areas. Since it is usually cool there, we usually keep ours in the car after taking them for a long walk on one of the other non-state park beaches where dogs are allowed. The campground there is probably one of my favorite anywhere in California... absolutely love the peacefulness. I'll be up there again next month for a week, half time spent in Fort Bragg. Hope to see more of your pics soon :-) -Brigitte