Leora Long
{K:11135} 8/14/2008
Great concept, Astrit. And a magical creature. Maybe just a little more detail on the lovely young lady.

Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 6/2/2007
Very artistic! Dirk.
Ardita Dermaku
{K:74} 6/1/2007
Your pictures are amazing.. I dont even have words to expain it.
Laura Zanghi
{K:149} 5/7/2007
ciao Astrit, and thanks for your comment :) i really like your pics they have a kind of litgh that make them very original especially this one .. ciao Laura
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 4/25/2007
Great shot ..like the masked girl with the fair in the b/drop..sorry for delay and thankyou for your comment..nessa
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 4/18/2007
Nice shot in B/W erland
Astrit ismaili
{K:184} 4/16/2007
Thnx..guys for the coments,i realy appreciate it...:)
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 4/16/2007
Astrit -- This very good; it filled with mystery and wonder with the backdrop of the circus which always brings exciting and romantic images to my mind. Well done and good idea. I would have liked to see just a tiny bit more detail in the mask and face of the subject but of course, that is just my personal preference. Welcome to USEFILM. --Best regards, Jan
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 4/15/2007
a very beautiful shot!!! very good!!!!
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 4/9/2007
Welcome to usefilm. A really interesting shot. I think colour would make the image too cluttered so black and white is the better choice. Regards, Gary
{K:3937} 4/9/2007
A Good Shot!! I Like...
{K:6731} 4/9/2007
I think it is more mysterious in b&w. Something about all those chains too just makes it so strange.
Green Gemini
{K:3391} 4/8/2007
Nice, although I would also like to see this in color. Welcome to UF.