Lissa Hatcher
{K:3006} 11/10/2003
Funny little capture ! childhood is so pure and you captured it well here ... beautiful light hearted work ....great job.
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 8/7/2003
fantastic momment
Dave Holland
{K:13074} 3/8/2002
Very well done.
Brendon Cordero
{K:3524} 3/8/2002
Cute kids, now, there is something to smile about.
Adam E. J. Squier
{K:9803} 3/8/2002
The fact that you used a wide angle lens really adds to the impact of this image. There's a technique in style using wide angles for "distorted" portraits, and this gives a hint of that, but it's different enough to be fresh -- and not a cliche.
The smiles and positions really make the shot. It's fun taking close-up portraits like this.
Terrence Kent
{K:7023} 3/8/2002
This one was a pleasant image to wake up to in the morning, I've always enjoyed this type of straight down portrait, especially with the geometric facet you have going on here. However, as its a warm and happy image and is a bit dark I'd consider two changes. 1: print on a warmtone paper, and or sepia tone it to match the tones with the mood of the subject and 2: dodge out the shadow areas some to the same effect.