Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 3/5/2007
Thank You Albert!! you are right to suggest this to me as I get crazy sometimes and get up early in the morning so I can shot images when there are no people in the way ...ha!! People in the way are good to soometimes ..lol !!!
Best wishes, michele~
Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 2/25/2007
Hi Michele,
Wonderful streetshot of daily life. Nice colours too. Maybe this kind of shots can be made more interesting when you involve people in them (just an idea). Nevertheless, I already like this beautiful country-view. Great idea and well done. Compliments, my friend !
Friendly greetz, Albert Jacobs :)
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/6/2007
You are very kind Robbie !! I appreciate your time and wonderful words my friend !!!
Take Care, Michele~
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 1/6/2007
Another angle but still lovely image of this enchanting place. 7+++ Robbie
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/2/2007
WoW You are very kind Paul ! Thank you for the good rating and critique !!
With much appreciation, michele~
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 1/2/2007
Very very lovely! The exposure is perfect one this one. Kinda a tough shot to as half is in the light and half in shadows. You maintained excellent detail through out......Excellent job indeed my friend! 7+
Paul E Brumit
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 12/30/2006
Thanks for the ideas on the problems with my camera. you definitely make sense too because I just came in from shooting again in the cloudy, foggy type weather... Usually my favorite to shoot in.. and my batteries died again. I got some new ones ..re-chargeables... and am going to study this a bit.
I didn't get a new camera for Christmas, but plan to buy myself one in a couple of weeks. Thanks again for your input on my camera's settings. Much appreciation!
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 12/30/2006
I noticed you talking about your batteries maybe being bad, leaving your pics washed out. This doesn't seem to have that problem. I am wondering if it is not just a setting that is the problem, like maybe AWB?
It seems you have a problem with certain types of lighting conditions, which suggests, to me, that it is more setting then mechanical.
Didn't Santa bring you a new camera? I thought everybody (but me) on UF gets a new camera for Xmas.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 12/29/2006
Thank you Gust@vo !
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 12/29/2006
Thank You for your kind comment and support Alicia
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/29/2006
Bonitos colores. Felicitaciones!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 12/29/2006
Preciosa serie de imágenes pueblerinas, sencillas, calmas, coloridas... Felicitaciones Michele!