Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 7/19/2009
It's just great shot and deserved for BIP,dear Avi. Best wishes, Stan~
Susie Peek-Swint
{K:7303} 6/18/2009
Terrific capture Avi ~ I love the light and concentration on the face ~ great dof too!
1301307 60
{K:44058} 6/14/2009
beautiful capture Avi.. congrats for this award..
神 風
{K:10665} 6/14/2009
Congrats on the 'Award' Avi and you may like this one also hopefully ...
Best of Regards!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 6/14/2009
Merecido award! Felicitaciones!
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 6/14/2009
The lighting is just about right, a fine wildlife image Regards, Gary
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 6/13/2009
Very nicely composed and great lighting, Avi! Dave.
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 6/12/2009
Great work 7+++
M jalili
{K:69009} 6/12/2009
Really excellent my friend . Congratulation ............
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 6/12/2009
Returning to congratulate you on your award Avi. When I first looked at your photograph it was immediately obvious that it's work of immense quality.
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 6/12/2009
Wonderful shot!!! Great focus and lighting. And seeing him in the wild, that's a fantastic experience...
Best wishes, Ania
{K:70138} 6/12/2009
Yes my friend. This is the first time in my life I was out in the wild. I have photographed animals in the zoo (and a lot of my friends have objected to that) .. but now I know that the way we can see and capture photos of animals in their own backyard cannot compare to what we can do in zoos. best, Avi
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 6/12/2009
Congratulations Avi ! Cheers, Srna
K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
{K:12059} 6/12/2009
excellent congrats on BIP
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 6/12/2009
real nice light, perfect job.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/12/2009
extraordinary ghepard capture avi.. roby
arijit(ratul) talukder
{K:6029} 6/12/2009
darun !! congrats on the BIP ratul.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/12/2009
Come back to say..gongratulations for best in project!!
Pallab Banerjee
{K:3177} 6/12/2009
Excellent wildlife capture ... Congrats...
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 6/12/2009
{K:13087} 6/12/2009
bhalo. nicher out of focus area ta crop out koro.
Anindya Chakraborty
{K:12765} 6/12/2009
Eta khub bhalo hoyeche...low light e sundor lagche wild animal ke.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 6/12/2009
so close to this magnificent creature,so close, and you have seen him wild,and captured him at his very home, good to you Avi, best wishes, Saad.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/12/2009
Their coloring helps them hide in bushes and grass.very nice picture Avi...
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 6/12/2009
Quite magnificent Avi! Thank you for posting this wonderful work - so accomplished; work of great impact.
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 6/12/2009
Fantastic capture of this amazing animal!! Excellent lighting on the subject and perfect pose! Congrats!