Stan Hill
{K:35352} 11/24/2008
Really nice conversion and the clouds in line with the power lines draws the eyes across the image. Nice concept and contrast. Thanks to Baha I found your work and it is really nice. Glad to see what you have been posting. More comments to follow. Be well, Stan
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 9/17/2008
Has the feel that it was taken with an old Diana or similar type of camera, when they were first available. Regards, Gary
Vadim Melamedov
{K:1466} 8/19/2007
Yes, this old America is disaparing so fast... Love your post B&W processing. Clouds gracefully pulling composition together it seem.
Mike Adams
{K:7180} 10/10/2006
Excellent. I have been toying with this idea but the prob is my wife and I drive alot but its me driving! I do like the B/W and it does give off an old time feel to it!
txules .
{K:62768} 10/10/2006
it gives to me some feeling of old times or a movie from the 50s, good work Carl...jd