Benjamin Poston
{K:487} 11/19/2007
Muskrats have favorite spots where they haul out of the water and sit and preen their fur. If you take the time, you can "clean up" the area a bit by removing a bit of the annoying sticks and debris.... time and patience....
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 9/8/2006
Here's the example for your consideration.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Example |
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 9/8/2006
Jeffery: My first advice is that the subject should not be centered in the shot. Off center compositions seem more dynamic. A tighter crop on the left-side and the bottom would certainly help the composition along. (See attached example) Also . . . if the eye was sharp . . . the image would be much improved. Softness anywhere is not as serious as it is in the eyes. Sometimes you can help this along with an unsharp mask in PS (if you use that). Clearly, the stick's not much help but also can't be helped. You've got good subject material here and decent use of light and color . . . I'd say it was a pretty good start for you here on UF . . . (and Welcome to UF by the way)! Looking forward to seeing more of your work . . . and hey! I use that lens too . . . small world!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Simon Meeds
{K:182} 9/8/2006
Nicely exposed and appears to be reasonably, if not critically, sharp. The out-of-focus twigs don't worry me; they show you have had to stalk the creature. On the other hand the twig that coincides with its nose is a problem.
Gerhard Hoogterp
{K:4863} 9/8/2006
Definitly a nice shot, but with some points on which improvement is possible. First I think you could crop the image a little closer. There's a lot which doesn't really add to the image. The second is that the animal isn't completely sharp. Especially the eyes feel a bit soft. And in an ideal world the branch in front of it's head would be there..
All that said, it's still a nice image. Just keep on working on the matter. Welcome on usefilm..
aly nelson
{K:704} 9/8/2006