Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/2/2006
Thank you Liddo Ray Night, What a beautiful view of my image. I am flattered. Thank you for your time and your thoughtful comment. You are very encouraging and now I go to sleep feeling like very hapy and content. Thank you for your kind words, Michele~
Liddo Ray Night
{K:551} 8/2/2006
I was looking through your pics and this caught my eye. Reminded me of life. (LIFE???) Yes Life. From top to bottom. From top its a scribble of what are we to become, the middle is grey as to what to do with our lives, the bottome is metallic as for we all one day will stand still for eternity. I love it so. Keep up the great work.
Sincerely Liddo Ray Night
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/7/2006
thank you very much jessie ! you have made my day once again ! encouragement like yours is so helpful to keep on shooting ! michele~
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 7/7/2006
michele - i love it when the sun glinting off the water is all brilliant pink like this - well, it really is more special than pink, but i can't think of the word i want to use. this is a gorgeous photo!
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/7/2006
Thank You Mohammad ! Michele~
Mohammad Hossein Jafari
{K:81} 7/7/2006
Wow... It's Great Work. Good Luck.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 7/6/2006
Awww I see.......lol Well I can relate.....We used to have the same saying in Michigan. Use to hear it all the time growing up! Now they are trying to say the same thing about oklahoma. But in Oklahoma all it is, is that they just dont know how to predict the weather!! lol
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/6/2006
Thank -u sooo much Paul. No the 'un-flexible' comment is an Oregonian one. It goes like this.... 'If you don't like the weather , stick around 5 minutes & it will change'. It rains, then the sun comes out, and back + forth all day at times. I appreciate your encouragement. Thank you so much. Michele~
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 7/6/2006
Pretty colors Michele! I wish I lived near the coast! Great for photographers indeed! Endless suply of images!!! ( beautiful images at that )! I hope that comment about the un-flexible is not in reference to age! Hope you are doing well. Keep up the shooting my frind your improving....