Ed, wonderful photo! I saw this and was very impressed. The out of focus rope leading to the boat was a fantastic idea. I can't believe you got this shot with a 50mm lens. Great work, hope to see more of it.
I like what you are going for here. The leading line here can't help but grab your attention and runs the eye right out to the boat. Strong colors, and interesting composition. JB
I too like the idea, colours, and textures, but I have to agree with Jim: the big brown blob that is the rope is too distracting. Two feet right, or two feet left maybe too. Cheers, Marc
Hi Ed, I see what you're doing here, but it doesn't quite work for me. I fully expect that you will get a wide range of preferences on this one. I find the depth of field to be just a bit too distracting. The out of focu area is just too close to the perfectly focused boat, IMO. My eye doesn't handle it well. I think the composition from about 2 feet to the right would have worked for me, but it's not quite right for me.