Photograph By Alfons Rial
Alfons R.
Photograph By Eric Peterson
Eric P.
Photograph By Kaushik Chatterjee
Kaushik C.
Photograph By George Oeser
George O.
Photograph By Jan Symank
Jan S.
Photograph By Andre Denis
Andre D.
Photograph By Gene Zonis
Gene Z.
Photograph By Fabio Keiner
Fabio K.
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Critiques from Yamil
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Alaska, The Eagles of Homer. (59)
Alviso (30)
Amphibians (26)
Ano Nuevo (1)
Architecture (23)
Arrastradero Nature Preserve (58)
BABP (1)
Best Raptors (32)
Birds in Flight 400 mm D/O (137)
Blufftop Coastal Park - Raptors- Hawks (42)
Bobcats (10)
Carara- Tarcoles (75)
Cascade Ranch (9)
Close- up (28)
Cooper's Hawk (15)
Corckscrew Swamp (2)
Costa Rica Bird Photographs - Images (201)
Couples (39)
Coyote Hill (21)
Coyote Point (3)
Cypress Lawn Memorial Park (19)
Dedications (19)
Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (13)
Diving Birds (52)
Doves (7)
Ducks (285)
Eagles and Hawks (245)
Egrets and Herons (82)
Elkhorn Slough (62)
England (3)
Europe (12)
Everglades National Park (18)
Farallon Islands (9)
Favorites (235)
Fish (4)
Florida (50)
France (4)
Guatemala (5)
Gulls (18)
Half Moon Bay (87)
Hawaii (13)
Hayward Shoreline (7)
Hidden Villa Ranch (5)
Hummingbirds (48)
La Paz Waterfalls Gardens (32)
Lake Merritt (10)
Landscapes (27)
Lassen Volcanic National Park (11)
Macro (23)
Mammals (63)
Mating (8)
McClellan Ranch (14)
Merced-San Luis NWR (5)
Merritt Island (15)
Mexico (4)
Mirador de Quetzales (2)
Montebello Open Space Preserve (4)
Monterey Bay (11)
Moss Landing Beach (23)
Nesting (34)
Northern Harrier (27)
Owls (33)
Pajaro River, San Benito County (7)
Palo Alto Baylands (108)
Panoche Valley (3)
Pelagic Trips (12)
Pelicans (32)
Pescadero Beach (3)
Pillar Point (51)
Portraits (10)
Predators (73)
Radio Rd (131)
Rancho Naturalista (19)
Rancho San Antonio (79)
Reflections (49)
Reptiles (23)
San Francisco Zoo (1)
San Gerardo de Dota (6)
Santa Cruz, CA (29)
Sausal Pond (1)
Savegre (10)
Scott's Valley (4)
Shorebirds (106)
Shoreline and San Antonio Rd (121)
Song Birds (118)
South Texas (2)
Spain (9)
Sparrows and Allies (13)
Stanford University Classic Architecture (6)
Steven's Creek Park (5)
Steven's Creek Trail (13)
Struve Slough (5)
Sunnyvale WPCP (10)
Swallow's (25)
Talari (9)
The Caribbean (6)
Tomales Bay (3)
Union City (9)
Vasona Park (6)
Warblers (10)
White-tailed Kites (22)
Wood Duck (21)
Woodpeckers (20)
Yellowstone National Park (12)
Yuba Pass (11)
Architecture (19)
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Cityscape (2)
From The Field (1531)
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Landscape (22)
Macro (12)
Nature (1534)
Panoramic (9)
People (1)
Street (4)
Travel (9)
Weddings (2)
Wildlife (1538)

Yamil Saenz's imageopolis Photo Portfolios

Alaska, The Eagles of Homer. (59)

Alviso (30)

Amphibians (26)

Ano Nuevo (1)

Architecture (23)

Arrastradero Nature Preserve (58)

BABP (1)

Best Raptors (32)

Birds in Flight 400 mm D/O (137)

Blufftop Coastal Park - Raptors- Hawks (42)

Bobcats (10)

Carara- Tarcoles (75)

Cascade Ranch (9)

Close- up (28)

Cooper's Hawk (15)

Corckscrew Swamp (2)

Costa Rica Bird Photographs - Images (201)

Couples (39)

Coyote Hill (21)

Coyote Point (3)

Cypress Lawn Memorial Park  (19)

Dedications (19)

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (13)

Diving Birds (52)

Doves (0)

Doves 1) Ruddy Quail-Dove 2) Pale-vented Pigeon 3) Zebra Dove 4) Spotted Dove 5) Rock Dove 6) Mourning Dove 7) Band-tailed Pigeon

Doves (7)

Ducks (285)

1) Mallard 2) Northern Shoveler 3) Ring-necked Duck 4) Red-breasted Merganser 5) Common Merganser 6) Hooded Merganser 7) Cinnamon Teal 8) Blue-winged Teal 9) Green-winged Teal 10)American Wigeon 11)Eurasian Wigeon 12)Canvasback 13)Lesser Scaup 14)Greater Scaup 15)Common Golden Eye 16)Barrow's Golden Eye 17)Buffle Head 18)Surf Scoter 19)Northern Pintail 20)Gadwall 21)Ruddy Duck 22)WoodDuck 23)Redhead 24)Brant 25)Canada Goose 26)Greater white-fronted Goose 27)Ross's Goose 28)Cackling Goose 29)Tufted Duck 30)White- winged Scoter 31)Long-tailed Duck 32)Snow Goose 33)Branta sandvicensis 34)Red-crested Pochard 35)Egyptian Goose 36)Mandarin Duck

Eagles and Hawks (245)

1) Bald Eagle 2) Golden Eagle 3) Osprey 4) Red-tailed Hawk 5) Red-shouldered Hawk 6) Cooper's Hawk 7) Common Black Hawk 8) Ferruginous Hawk 9) Northern Harrier 10)White-tailed Kite 11)Peregrine Falcon 12)Kestrel 13)Merlin 14)Yellow-headed Caracara 15)California Condor 16)Turkey Vulture 17)Black Vulture 18)Laughing Falcon 19)Crested Caracara

Egrets and Herons (82)

1) Snowy Egret 2) Great White Egret 3) Great Blue Heron 4) Black-crowned Night Heron 5) Tricolored Heron 6) Green-backed Heron 7) Reddish Egret 8) Little Blue Heron 9) Yellow-crowned Night Heron 10) Cattle Egret 11)Roseate Spoonbill 12)Grey Heron 13)Bare-throated Tiger-Heron

Elkhorn Slough (62)

England (3)

Europe (12)

Everglades National Park (18)

Farallon Islands (9)

Favorites (235)

Fish (4)

Florida (50)

France (4)

Guatemala (5)

Gulls (18)

Gulls: 1)Ring-billed Gull 2)Haeermann's Gull 3)Bonaparte Gull 4)California Gull 5)Western Gull 6)Black-headed Seagull 7)Glaucous-winged Gull 8)Herring Gull 9)Laughing Gull 10)Audouin Seagull

Half Moon Bay (87)

Hawaii (13)

Hayward Shoreline (7)

Hidden Villa Ranch (5)

Hummingbirds (48)

Hummingbirds 1. Anna's Hummingbird 2. Allen's Hummingbird 3. Rufous-tailed Hummingbird 4. Green-crowned Brilliant 5. Snowcap 6. Green Hermit 7. Crowned Woodnymph 8. Brown Violet-ear 9. Green-breasted Mango 10. Red-footed Plumeleteer 11. White-necked Jacobin 12. Green Violet-ear 13. Coppery-headed Emerald 14. Magnificent Hummingbird 15. White-throated Mountain-gem 16. Fiery-throated Hummingbird 17. Black-bellied Hummingbird

La Paz Waterfalls Gardens (32)

Lake Merritt (10)

Landscapes (27)

Lassen Volcanic National Park (11)

Macro (23)

Mammals (63)

Mating (8)

McClellan Ranch (14)

Merced-San Luis NWR (5)

Merritt Island (15)

Mexico (4)

Mirador de Quetzales (2)

Montebello Open Space Preserve (4)

Monterey Bay (11)

Moss Landing Beach (23)

Nesting (34)

Northern Harrier (27)

Owls (33)

Pajaro River, San Benito County (7)

Palo Alto Baylands (108)

Panoche Valley (3)

Pelagic Trips (12)

Pelicans (32)

Pescadero Beach (3)

Pillar Point (51)

Portraits (10)

Predators (73)

Radio Rd (131)

Rancho Naturalista (19)

Rancho San Antonio (79)

Reflections (49)

Reptiles (23)

San Francisco Zoo (1)

San Gerardo de Dota (6)

Santa Cruz, CA (29)

Sausal Pond (1)

Savegre (10)

Scott's Valley (4)

Shorebirds (106)

1) Black Turstone 2) Western Sandpiper 3) American Coot 4) Black Oyster Catcher 5) Black-necked Stilt 6) Long-billed Dowitcher. 7) Marbled Godwit 8) Wimbrel 9) Red-necked Phalarope 10) Wilson's Phalarope 11) American Avocet 12) Lesser Yellow Legs 13) Greater Yellow Legs 14) Long-billed Curlew 15) Least Sandpiper 16) Spotted Sandpiper 17) Ruddy Turstone 18) Southern Lapwing 19) Northern Jacana 20) Sanderling 21) Short-billed Dowitcher. 22) Willet 23) Wandering Tattler 24) Surfbird 25) Solitary Sandpiper 26) Semipalmated Sandpiper 27) Baird's Sandpiper 28) Red Knot 29) Double-striped Thick-knee

Shoreline and San Antonio Rd (121)

Song Birds (118)

South Texas (2)

Spain (9)

Sparrows and Allies (13)

Stanford University Classic Architecture (6)

Classic Views from Stanford University.

Steven's Creek Park (5)

Steven's Creek Trail (13)

Struve Slough (5)

Sunnyvale WPCP (10)

Swallow's (25)

1) Tree Swallow 2) Cliff Swallow 3) Barn Swallow 4) Violet-green Swallow 5) Mangrove Swallow

Talari  (9)

The Caribbean (6)

Tomales Bay (3)

Union City (9)

Vasona Park (6)

Warblers (10)

White-tailed Kites (22)

Wood Duck (21)

Woodpeckers (20)

1) Ruddy Woodcreeper 2) Northern Flicker 3) Lewis's Woodpecker 4) Red-Breasted Sapsucker 5) Acorn-Woodpecker 6) Nuttall's Woodpecker 7) Pale-billed Woodpecker 8) Chestnut-colored Woodpecker 9) Hoffman's Woodpecker 10) Red-naped Sapsucker 11) Hairy Woodpecker 12) Black-cheeked Woodpecker 13) Downy Woodpecker 14) White-headed Woodpecker

Yellowstone National Park (12)

Yuba Pass (11)

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