I'm surprized that people have not commented on this one more. Hopefully it brought some more attention to your wonderful photos! You have an awesome portfolio and would I love to see more people recognizing your talent. I'm afraid we get involved here in the beginning, to actually critique photos, then as you get to know people more, you tend to just say something good about it, and shy away from saying the things that really bother you about the particular image for fear of hurting feelings. I'm always honest about my opinions, but sometimes leave out things I should have said. I want to inspire people to continue, and try harder to be better. I want this from other people also. I'm a rank ameteur, with just the fundamentals learned, so many times I know that something doesn't look right, but really don't know how to express it. You've always been very gracious and honest in your critiques of mine, and I have learned from that. Thank you, Ken. :)
I just went to the home page and discovered why this image has so many views! Thanks for the excellent comments, Rebecca, they mean a lot to me.
I tried it with and without the top cropped off, before posting. Both have advantages, kind of a tossup, but I decided I liked the textures up above enough to keep them.
There is something about this photo that immediately grabs me and pulls me into it. It may just be that this is because as I was growing up, my Grandmother always had begonias in clay pots, one of her favorites. I still love them to this day, and as a matter of fact had one come back up in a pot under the porch that I had discarded last year, and is now in full bloom in my dining room after everything else is gone. The rough textures of the wall and the clay tiles, the warm lighting...both beautiful. The flowers almost look like a painting. I simply love this, too much to describe. Were I to have it hanging, I'd have preferred to crop out the top half of the window, and have it mounted in a large frame, mounted as a square image in a cream colored double mat. Beautiful work that touched my heart. To my favorites.