pasquale ale angelini
{K:2543} 12/7/2010
brava, mi piace il tuo sguardo
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 10/22/2003
ana, from the thumbnail i thought it a cruise ship, but no, let this one never come back. excellent composition though and made into another of your wonderful pictures. regards charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/9/2003
An unimpressive subject made beautiful by the photographer. Wonderful photo mind. Its a delight to view your portifolio. Keep up the good work. well done, Anna.
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 9/30/2003
Excelente foto! Grande sensibilidade. Parabéns, Ana.
Marcos Silva
{K:709} 9/23/2003
Belíssima foto. Parabéns!
{K:30945} 9/23/2003
Oh, Ana. This is so incredible beautiful. The DOF is superbe. bravo. I have the vision of 3D. great work here. Bravo. congratulations. Thank you, Kiss, Biliana
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 9/23/2003
A beautiful composition using simple elements.
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 9/18/2003
Great job. Wonderful capture.
Diamantino Mendes
{K:12959} 9/17/2003
Olá Anna, esta ficou um verdadeiro mimo. A tonalidade azul está um mimo, e depois aquela cpatura incluindo a rocha do lado direito é de génio(a) :)
Parabéns e um beijinho. DM
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 9/16/2003
MAGNIFICO disparo! Excelente composicao! Ficou mesmo espectacular!...parabens Ana!
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 9/15/2003
Wonderful composition and colours, a picture with great impact.
Naty Z
{K:16436} 9/14/2003
I think it would have been a great work even without the flood effect, but I also think it's a very well done experiment! ;)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 9/12/2003
lovely done! fantastic!!! regards.
Vernon Louw
{K:2010} 9/10/2003
Amazing water-colour, so soft, contrasting in an interesting way to the rock in front....well done
Igor L.
{K:7432} 9/10/2003
Beautiful image!!!
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 9/10/2003
excelente com certeza... muito bom
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 9/10/2003
Yes,better say ,see you later, than goodbye.Good bye ,adieu,adeus,we used ,as standard,is not the right word.It is too end of the line .Your picture is a new way to look at the sea.This is enough for my positive vote.Dare break new ways,try new,do not stay freeze by fear ou laziness.Try,each day a new thing ,is the way to live.It?s my way... Regards jorge
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 9/10/2003
Olá Ana: Um título perfeito para uma perfeita imagem. Parabéns, Ana, por esta maravilhosa "visão". Um sorriso.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 9/9/2003
Many well done,nice to see.Regards
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 9/9/2003
Excellent !! Great colors and tones!!!
{K:855} 9/9/2003
Olá Ana! Obrigada plo seu comentário!:)) As suas fotos são muito bonitas, fazem jus à fama de Beleza que o seu país tem!
This picture is fantastic with a great framing, great perspective! I like the contrast between the strong rock, and the smooth sea... Great tones, great picture!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/9/2003
Very interesting work with beautiful scene, nice tone./
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 9/9/2003
Excellent compoced, great light and color.............Regards Kaj Nielsen
Akin Ozyazici
{K:4323} 9/9/2003
beatiful composition and nice tones, Regards Akin.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 9/8/2003
Excellent work. Nice composition and colours. Regards, Joksa.
Cedric Sims
{K:3259} 9/8/2003
Great perspective & nice mood captured.
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 9/8/2003
Nice capture and angle like this composition.
T Glow
{K:14955} 9/8/2003
Essa pedra gigante realmente deu um toque super especial na composição!! Grande abraço.
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 9/8/2003
wonderful shot
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 9/8/2003
Beautiful work.
Rena Tsiflidou
{K:2606} 9/8/2003
this is of great beauty!
Leslie Cohelan
{K:20807} 9/8/2003
this seems to be such a popular plug-in...and it seems to have worked well on the sea here...the only nit is the ship...it has an all too obvious dark line around it...if you blend that in...easy as cloning while zoomed in close...it would look much more realistic
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 9/8/2003
M A R A V I L H O S A!!! Pão de Açucar? Cacetada!!!!
Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 9/8/2003
nice plug-in!! i wish that branch was in full view!!
Jorge Garcia
{K:8733} 9/8/2003
Gosto deste trabalho. O uso do filtro ?flood? da FlamingPear ficou otimo. O uso dos efeitos deve ser moderado e neste trabalho tiveste o cuidado de o usar mt bem. Belo trabalho. Belo titulo tb... :***
Edu Guedes
{K:3541} 9/8/2003
Muito linda. Ótimas cores e composição. Tá parecendo uma pintura. Parabéns.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 9/8/2003
Very good effect and nice image, but I'll never say goodbye to a war ship! ;))) Bye Max
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 9/8/2003
Lovely scenic view! Nice work here!!!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 9/8/2003
Very nice moody picture. Nice composition. Don.
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 9/8/2003
Fernando Pessoa
A minha vida é um barco abandonado A minha vida é um barco abandonado Infiel, no ermo porto, ao seu destino. Por que não ergue ferro e segue o atino De navegar, casado com o seu fado ? Ah! falta quem o lance ao mar, e alado Torne seu vulto em velas; peregrino Frescor de afastamento, no divino Amplexo da manhã, puro e salgado.
Morto corpo da ação sem vontade Que o viva, vulto estéril de viver, Boiando à tona inútil da saudade.
Os limos esverdeiam tua quilha, O vento embala-te sem te mover, E é para além do mar a ansiada Ilha.
Alina Steiner
{K:64} 9/8/2003
Moody photo. I like the atmosphere you created here.
Antonio Osorio
{K:2317} 9/8/2003
Composição interessante. Parabéns. A.O.
{K:16195} 9/8/2003
Great composition. With very nice mood. Regards, Hayri.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 9/8/2003
excellent DOF and effects.. regards! roberto
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 9/8/2003
nice capture
Maurizio Savini
{K:2174} 9/8/2003
Very nice composition!!!