Thanks a lot, Visar! The similarity with a tree is something that also Marcio mentioned, and together with your observation it makes me think about... a series of "electric trees", perhaps? Could that bring something?
Actually I wanted an explosion-like figure, but explosions always have something of a tree. A tree could be considered as a "slow biological explosion", in the sense that the almost spherical symmetry goes to almost cylindrical symmetry in the gravitational potential of the earth. Only the time scale is different, but this is not important.
Hmmmm... lemme think about that. It sounds too apetizing to resist.
the light from the window reflection (?) looks much like the trunk, and the dizzy scattered light much like branches with different fruits!
what i particularily find interesting here is the light of the "branches" which diffuses in different directions, thanks to your zooming out, and how "accurrately" it is composed to in fact produce such a result as a Chrismas Tree.