Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 5/2/2007
Great colors and tones, Fred. The photo comes across like a fine bird print. I don't think I would change anything. Well done! Steve
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/31/2007
Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments.
saad alqasem
{K:1202} 3/28/2007
Tushit Jain
{K:1697} 3/27/2007
Fantastic shot. Great clarity.
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 3/25/2007
Hi Fred, The shot with the M16 was taken in the Golfo Dulce Foresty Reserve, near Corcovado National Park. We had a critical period during April 2003- Eastern Week, where poachers were killing lots of wildlife, among them White-lipped Peccaries. I volunteer to protect the park and sourrunding areas and in the process I met some very interesting people that became my friends. I don't believe in violence as a way so solve these type of conflicts but this picture speaks by itself.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/25/2007
Yamil: Thank you for your gracious remarks. I note that you are holding an M16 rather than a camera in your portfolio portrait. I have found that good photographers tend to be good riflemen and vice versa. Something of the same skills are used. We are observing four migrations in Costa Rica this fall. We look forward to seeing the Quetzals, whales, turtles, and raptors on our trip.
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 3/24/2007
Amazing capture Fred, This is the best inflight GBH that I have seen. You should be proud of this great image. And excellent job with the background. Congratulations. Yamil
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 3/23/2007
a perfect job Fred, and what a great catch of the heron, perfect details and colors, very impressive my friend.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/23/2007
Hey Bill: Thanks. I appreciate the kind words.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/23/2007
Hoda: Thank you very much for your kind comments.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/23/2007
Kiarang: Yes, you are correct. Thank you for your insightful remarks.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/23/2007
Mohamed: Thank you very much for your thoughtful remarks.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/23/2007
Ayman: Thank you for your kind remarks.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 3/23/2007
Hárës: Thank you for your comments.
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 3/22/2007
Fred:) Bravo. Excellent timing, pretty frame. Cordialities:) Viola
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 3/22/2007
great work as usual Fred, the combination is beautiful
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 3/22/2007
Your heron image impressive enough but your composite adding the sky is just amazing. Very nice work indeed.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/22/2007
An excellent combination of the two images, Fred! Great shot of the GBH, and the sky is very good. Dave.
bill smith
{K:5416} 3/22/2007
This is awesome Fred, I don't think I've seen a better image of a heron in flight. Top notch for sure!!! 7++++ Bill
hoda .m
{K:2523} 3/22/2007
nice catch , Fred... beautiful , regards.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 3/22/2007
Wow, more than the subject, it's the tones that catch the eye. bravo!
Mohamed Badawy
{K:11828} 3/22/2007
good shot, nice color
ayman zakaria
{K:1892} 3/22/2007
very nice shot , well done ayman zakaria
{K:7888} 3/22/2007
Beautiful fotografía.