jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/13/2007
thanks a lot Ina, really appreciate :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/10/2007
Awesome series Jacques, and one amazing view! I like how the road winds and how you see the rough terrain details in the foreground, and all the way in the far distance beyond the towering rocks :)
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 1/8/2007
Eh ben...c'est tout pareil ici......pas le moindre flocon
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/8/2007
non pas que je ne supporte plus l'hiver. D'habitude nous sommes enterrés sous la neige mais cette année, c'est le bordel, nous sommes encore sur le sol, c'est gris, il pleut. L'hiver n'arrive tout simplement pas...
Je continue tout de même à avoir confiance... et à mettre les photos de mon dernier voyage pour faire visiter les lieux aux autres usagers.
Un grand merci pour la visite, toujours appréciée mon ami.
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 1/8/2007
Tu nous nargues...tu ne supportes à ce point plus l'hiver ? allez Jacques....mon pote de toujours sur UF, plus que 4 moi à patienter...
Merci pour ton dernier commentaire...j'ai cependant décidé d'enlever cette photo dans le but de l'intégrer dans une séquence très.........
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks a lot Simone
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks a lot Nessa :)
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks a lot Leonardo, really appreciate.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks a lot Sam, really appreciate.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
un très grand merci Aykaan.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks a lot Juan
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks a lot Andrzej.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks a lot Darlene, I surely print some of them (in fact there's already one on my wall from antelope canyon). Thanks for your cheering and support, and most of all for your friendship. Hope everything will be nice for you and yours in 2007. Don't know it we gonna go south this year, maybe more in the Atlantic provinces and/or states, but if I ever go, be sure I will try to spent more time with you down there :) take care my friend.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks again my friend
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks again my friend.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks again my friend.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2007
thanks again Richard
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/7/2007
Wonderful landscape ..great dof and colour..nessa
Simone Scaccetti
{K:148} 1/6/2007
Questi paesaggi sono veramente sorprendenti Complimenti
Rick Koth
{K:2971} 1/5/2007
Awsome picture. Great work.
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 1/4/2007
Another "monument" beauty Jacques. Lovely composition my friend. Take care,
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/4/2007
Very nicely composed, Jacques! A great shot of this fantastic landscape. Dave.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/4/2007
Interesante captura con esos tres monumentos... Estupenda toma.. felicitaciones!
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 1/4/2007
Incredible my friend!! I do hope you are printing all these beautiful images but I'm not sure anyone has big enought walls to put them on! You have captured your travels here in a most impressive way, I hope to spend more time on your pictures. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family, hope to see you all in 2007, maybe spend more time together this time! Take care. Darlene
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 1/4/2007
jacquess, well done shot of the valley, it works great with the blue skies and nice clouds - it all makes the picture attractive and enjoyable. Cheers, NJ
Juan Gonzalo Marcano Prieto
{K:14254} 1/3/2007
wow!!!! que bello, la naturaleza siempre nos sorprende con estos paisajes tan espectaculares, excelente
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 1/3/2007
excellente composition cher ami... salutations...
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 1/3/2007
I never grow tired of viewing this awesome landscape.
Well presented and seen. Congrats
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 1/3/2007
A classic picture!!! Very nice my dear friend Jacques!!! Leo