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Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/29/2003 9:13:29 AM


Don't get me wrong, I like a girl in a bikini as well as anybody else, but I'm trying to decide if you are shooting the falls or the girl? The colors in the falls are great, I really like the slow exposure. I think you have two great pictures here. One of the girl (only alittle closer) and one of the background falls. Just my humble old fart opinion.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Marcio Cabral  (K:12496)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/28/2003 9:44:50 PM


I like the way her little crown is sitting on her head, just kinda there, like "oh well, yes I'm a princess." Something I have noticed in some your shots is the color of the skin. slight red hue to it. I do not know if that is from the film you are using or if it something that can be corrected by a warming filter and fill flash. I' am really liking theposes you are using, keep it up,

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/27/2003 3:22:41 PM


I second and third what everyon has said already. You picke a great background with the blooming redbuds, however try to move down the fence a little where the bird crap is not on it. Keep 'em comming!!!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/26/2003 9:13:03 PM


wonderful shot! Don't know what else to say, but very good!

later my friend,

        Photo By: heather martino  (K:3648)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/26/2003 10:47:28 AM

Madame Monet,

Have you ever seen a great big burly old fireman cry? You touched me very deeply with this and I thank you for the honor. It is a beautiful shot. The pastels are wonderful. The water ripples are very calming. Thank you again Ingrid.

Later my Dear Friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/25/2003 9:27:06 PM


Alittle more fill flash would help, Maybe shade for the hot spots. over all good shot keep 'em coming!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/24/2003 7:36:15 AM


It seems every photo of yours I look at either has a watercolor effect to it or an "impressionist" style. I like what you are doing. Your shots have a calming affect. Your shots look like the artists that has taken their time and let the classical music flow through the brush. With this shot I can almost hear the frogs, the crickets and other sounds of the last light in the background. Maybe a fish just breaking the surface of the water, but all is calm. Thank you Ingrid for this journey,

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/23/2003 10:21:17 PM


I do not know if you used a flash on this, but if you did not ift could help "brighten" the face and shadows up a little. Put a little twikle in her eyes. Just something to fill the light.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/23/2003 10:13:51 PM


Quite frankly, I like it! No beating around the bush on what she is thinking here!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Eric Goldwasser  (K:4294) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/22/2003 9:36:08 PM


Starring contest 'eh? just one question, who won?

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Stephen R. Zang  (K:1044)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/22/2003 9:12:53 PM


Very nice effect with the reflection off the water. The only thing I might of done different would be to crop the shore line off and the sky off. I do not know if you have much experience working with filter, this is a shot that is begging for experimentation with different filters such as different polarizers, graduals, and sunset filters. Keep 'em coming and stay away from the firemen!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/22/2003 8:29:56 PM


i read your bio, I will remember your name! I hope you are right! btw I added you to my friend list in case you are!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Autumn Ruhe  (K:993)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/21/2003 8:13:49 PM


I really enjoy macro shots of flowers. I wish I was better at it. I have a problem with the depth of field and seems like you struggle with that a liitle also. I wonder if if would help the color if you would have shaded the flower before the shot? I know I see the same things in my shots after I post them. However I think overall, It's a pretty good shot. keep it up!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Mark Follmer  (K:157)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/18/2003 7:23:44 PM


Nice shot, However It seems a liitle hot at the top. I'm not very familar with the digital world yet, (I'm still not familar with the auto focus slr world either). I do not know if you are able to adjust for the brightness, or to take this same shot when the sun isnt so harsh. Dont get me wrong. It is a lovely scene. I think the harshness of the sun pulls away from your shot instead of enhances it.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Rodney Johnson  (K:742)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/16/2003 1:51:26 PM


I logged on today after being away for 1856 images and 19066 comments, and this is what I am met with. How beautiful. Great colors, and dof! Wonderful job!


        Photo By: John Cordina  (K:58)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/16/2003 1:42:04 PM


Anyone who uses this for a title can't be all bad, I'll add ya to the list!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Mark Follmer  (K:157)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/10/2003 1:26:38 PM


Great shot! by the way I have been hunkered down with the law classes, firefighter contract negotiations, and work. Dont leave much time for anything else right now. Com'on end of semester!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/7/2003 9:37:31 PM


Great colors and great to see ya back!
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kenneth Kwan  (K:3084)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/7/2003 9:05:20 PM


I like how you related this shot to your dreams. I am sure that we each have a sense of humor sometimes and come to a point we need to share that humor. I am sorry you were offended by it. However there are those that like it. Thats the beauty of this site.
Later my friend,

        Photo By: R S  (K:294)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/3/2003 9:27:28 AM

I saw this come up in the random photos. It seems to say something different today.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Brian osullivan  (K:2)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/3/2003 9:20:52 AM


My, you not only do very well with color but you are showing a great style with b&W also. very good feel here. Hope you keep at it!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/1/2003 10:25:57 PM


I was worried when I first saw this shot I thought the ladders were melting. Now I understand why they look this way with the stiching of the frames together. Pretty cool shot over-all. I like the lighting.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Christopher Gallo  (K:18)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/21/2003 9:10:27 AM


Hey, I kinda like the idea! I bet it was Ron! Nice detail but I see you and the flash in the reflection. I like it in b&w. (7)

Later my friend

        Photo By: Wayne Harridge  (K:18292) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/15/2003 6:49:29 PM

gotta get spell check on here!
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/15/2003 6:48:02 PM


This is exactly why I refer to you as "Madam Monet" Very lovely. Lokes veery much like something that Claude Monet would paint. Going in my favorites. (10)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 8:40:57 PM


So much better! I can put away my magnifying glass! makes me want to be there!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: William R Eastman III  (K:2141)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 11:56:18 AM


I have enjoyed this series of the wedding, you have done a fantastic job. Although I think we all knew what was not worn under a kilt, I rather not see lol! Good Job with the series, (9)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: kita mcintosh  (K:18594)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 11:41:10 AM

Male or female?
        Photo By: R Pires  (K:445)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 10:31:06 AM


Have you ever wondered who those people are that would pick your shot as a favorite? Well acturally I have picked two of yours. This one and the Shrouded in the mist. I love them both. Great Job on both. Keep it up

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kim Culbert  (K:37070)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 10:08:11 AM


I saw this shot in the random views, it had 185 views and 1 comment. after I brought it up, I realized why. It's so small! Hell its not much bigger than the thumbnail. (I'm talking about the photo!)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: William R Eastman III  (K:2141)

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