Photograph By Francisco Pinto
Francisco P.
Photograph By Teunis Haveman
Teunis H.
Photograph By a. Scarabeo
a. S.
Photograph By Fabio Gon
Fabio G.
Photograph By Sérgio Vieira
Sérgio V.
Photograph By The Pilgrim
The P.
Photograph By The Pilgrim
The P.
Photograph By The Pilgrim
The P.
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Your Photo Art Is Not Just A Fleeting Moment In Social Media
imageopolis is dedicated to the art and craft of photography!

your photos.  Award recipients are chosen daily.

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GREETINGS EVERYONE!!! Well, as you have probably figured out has now become imageopolis. Due to family responsibilities, Al was no longer able to run the site, as you have noticed it has been down for almost a year. Well I thought that it would be an incredible waste to just let this site end like that. We have all spent a lot of time and effort in building this place and making it one of the premier photo sites on the web, with members located all over the globe and some of the most incredible photos by a community of very talented photographers..

Al has graciously allowed me to take over the site and together with my associates, we will be adding some innovative and exciting new features and functions to enhance your experience. Since film is used less and less these days, the old Usefilm name of the site is going to be put into retirement. The domain name, "imageopolis" (a community of images) was purchased by me many years ago and now I can finally put it into use. With your help we can build this back into an incredible community for photographers to show off their best work, critique their friends images and develop a real community of talented photographers from around the world.

All of the images, comments and forum entries are still here and were recovered from the old dead servers. Everyone that was a moderator or admin, still hold their positions and anyone that donated prior to the shutdown are still donors as I have not expired anyone and do not plan on expiring anyone for a while as we get things back on line.

We have a lot of good ideas to bring the site up to date including integration with the big social networks, interactive slide shows, and a bunch of other goodies to make this site shine. If you have anything you would like to see added to the site, now is the time to let me know by submitting your ideas to the "Suggestion Forum". Also, as you can imagine, moving a site of this complexity is not an easy job. So there may be bugs that come up like broken links, images that do not show etc... If you come across any bugs, please share them in the bugs forum so that I can get it taken care of quickly.

Your help in getting the word out to old members and bringing in new members would be greatly appreciated. Once we are reasonably sure that all of the bugs are taken care of, we will send out an email to all registered members (approximately 450,000) letting them know of the transition and that we are back online. I also ask for you assistance and generosity in donating to help keep the site alive, it costs a lot for bandwidth and rack space for this site so any help would be greatly appreciated. We also would like to update the equipment to something a little faster and reliable so that we don't go off the air like last time. You can help by donating directly through the site, or by sending in donations to the address on the donations page. You can also help support us by visiting the people that advertise on the site by clicking on their advertisements and checking out their products. Every penny helps these days! ;-)

Again, thank you all for your patience and support both in the past and hopefully in the future. Now go and take some photos and post them so we can all share your amazing images!


imageopolis News:
  • Now send a "iogram" Photo E-Card from the site to your friends. Click on the iogram button below the image, fill out the form and hit send.
  • Scroll down and check out the new "Blast From The Past" section of the home page. Here you will find the older award winning images that we have not seen for a while. Some truly amazing images. Different images are displayed each time the page is refreshed. Enjoy!
  • The front page now changes images and featured critiques every time it refreshes showing images given awards within the last 30 days. Now every award winner gets a chance on the front page!
  • Don't forget to Follow and Like us on facebook Click HERE
  • Please spread the word that we are once again online, contact your friends, camera clubs, photo blogs and forums. Put a link to imageopolis on your web sites every bit helps. Also do not forget to check out and support our sponsors.
  • Welcome Back Usefilmers! Click HERE to find out what has been going on.
  • We are currently not expiring old donors. If you had time left before the site went down, you still have it.


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