Photographer: Joseph Rossbach (Karma=48)
Catonsville, Maryland
About: As long as I can remember, I have always been drawn to the Wild. From spending time in the woods as a child, to my first backpacking trips in my early teens, I am most happy out of doors. An introductory photography course in high school was my first exposure to the medium. I was hooked ! Many years and hundreds of rolls of film later, I was beginning to shape my vision. Once again, I found myself drawn to the wilderness. This time around with a means to record my emotions and experiences of the natural world. I love being close to the land and experiencing the wild in different seasons and under different light. The play of the light and the land keeps me coming back for more. It is my hope that my images will inspire and educate other on the importance of preserving and protecting our remaining wilderness. My Images have appeared in local and regional magazines and in book format. Not to mention art galleries and corporate collections.
I focus on the American Landscape with a concentration in wilderness, threatened environments, and protected parks and monuments. My hope is that the images inspire and educate others to preserve the natural world. I have been working as a commercial, freelance photographer for the past seven years and have begun marketing my Nature and Environmental work over the last three years.
My images have appeared in calenders, magazines,newspapers and fine art collections as well as corporate art collections. I am represented by Acclaim Images Stock Agency and Studio 279 – Fine Art Prints and Posters. I was the select photographer for the 2007 Blue Ridge Magazine Travel Guide representing the state of Maryland. Left Fork Cascade appeared on the cover of Mountain Connection Magazine. I know work exclusivly with high end digital capture but chose to limit my post processsing to conventional wet darkroom adjustment. I do not and will not add anything to my images that was not there to begin with !
There are 13 images in 1 Pages