al shaikh
{K:15790} 1/21/2002
One in a million phil.
{K:197} 11/18/2001
This iss Soooooo awesomee.....I looooooooveeee it !! ....great framing.....great photo.....well done Philip.
Debbie Groff
{K:9569} 8/29/2001
Raymond Bliss
{K:3182} 8/29/2001
Outstanding picture. It's very hard to catch the visible shock wave when jets go supersonic. It has to be a very humid day. As the jet approaches the speed of sound, it forms a shock wave just behind the leading edge of the wing. An instant low pressure area, and on hot, humid days, the moisture in the air will form a mist in this low pressure zone. You should submit this picture to one of the Navy Aviation publications such as "Naval Aviation News", "Proceedings" (The Naval Academy magazine), or "Approach Magazine". Here is an interesting link. The site is called "Unuasual Aviation Picures". This link is to the military section. About halfway down the page is a picture of one of the Blue Angels doing a low pass over San Francisco bay at almost the speed of sound. You can see the visible shock wave not only on the airplane, but hitting the water as well. http://www.aviationpics.de/military/1999/military.htm.
Beverly Gustafson
{K:1572} 8/29/2001
Phillip, I showed this one to hubby, who flies, and he just kept saying over and over...this is so awesome! I have to agree with him. Awesome!
Phillip Cohen
{K:10561} 8/29/2001
Artie, Yes this is an un-manipulated image. The grain is visble because even with a 600mm lens I could only fill about 15% of the frame.
Brendon the scan was done at 2700 DPI and 16x oversampled to get rid of noise which is the maximum I could do at the time. What you see is the dye cloud structure of the film.
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 8/29/2001
Kick Ass Phillip!
Joe Blow
{K:1918} 8/29/2001
Very cool shot Phil. I have not seen a jet shot with this effect. Excellent capture.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 8/29/2001
THis is un-manipulated isnt it Phil...excellent concept shot...this should bring you a couple of sheckles....
Brendon Cordero
{K:3524} 8/29/2001
Nice shot. Looks like it's coming out of a time warp or something of a science friction movie. A little grainy, but I think that is the humidity. I didn't fair any better with my B-1 bomber, I will post later.