Photographer: Cindy L Brown (Karma=166)
Cottage Grove, WISCONSIN USA
About: Hi, I am in Wisconsin, near Madison. I have 4 German Shepherds, which are the love of my life, also, 3 cats, a blue and gold macaw, and a Pinto/Arab horse. I also, with my husband, have a french restaruant on State Street in Madison, by the Capitol, called Nadia's. I am a re-born photo nut.. like a lot of folks, after my first little digital camera, I upgraded to a sony 707 shortly after that, and just love it. I also am getting back to basics, with my Vivitar V2000, bought it used, for 60.00 and love it. Had a Cannon Rebel 2000, and am selling that, and now waiting for my new Elan 7e.. hopefully today it will come! :) IT CAME!! Please, any tips or suggestions from 7e owners, would be greatly appreciated!!! There has been a new and exciting door opened for me with photography, and with the help of critiques, and great sites like this, I have learned so much, and am just enjoying life, with cameras in hand!
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