Photographer: Luis Steinberg (EFIAP) (Karma=21250)
Buenos Aires,
About: Check my biography and other works at my personal website at this adress: www.luis-steinberg.com.ar.- But I like dreams language, fantasys gothic fairy tales, ballet, opera and theatre images, also journalism and social still of life testimonies. Post production Photoshop.- If you visite my personal site please send me emails with your comments.Thanks. LUIS
Portfolio: FICTIONS
Portfolio Description: Stages, characters, dreams that have came to life, thoughts that have been materialized, a true manierist version of life. This images that are close to the symbolic, close to the oniric area, but still real. Each person looks at the images in a different way; they became mirrors of their most private fantasies.
There are 52 images in 2 Pages
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