Photographer: Ann Nida (Karma=45248)
Travelling around USA, Washington State USA
About: I'm an aussie living in the states, a pilot and a sailor when time and logistics allow. I have travelled to, lived and worked in over 50 countries around the world and have seen some amazing sights and places. I take mediocre photos of awesome places. I post photos here not so much for technical advice but moreso to show people some of the places I have seen on my travels. I have no aspirations to become a professional photographer nor to sell my photos. I use very little P/Shop in my photos and quite often my photos are straight out of the camera with just a resize for uploading to the internet. I just enjoy taking photos of awesome places and unusual sights and showing them to those who might like to view them.
I thank all who may drop by my images for taking the time to view and comment on my photos.
February 2006 update - traveling on the road again in the north west states of USA by motorhome so will be away from Usefilm for a few months.
See you all again when I return.
Cheers to you all and have a great 2006.
Ann :)
There are 7 images in 1 Pages