Ian V
{K:1730} 5/25/2006
wonderful photo.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 3/10/2006
sjajno! btw. zasto te nema na fotozinu? ako nista tamo je zabavno na chatu ;)
Dennis Danos
{K:100} 2/19/2006
Love the angle of the path, the contrast works here very well. Lighting is great for this night photo. Very moody. Great capture.
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 2/10/2006
This is awesome Dubravko, Love it. Lots of contrast, texture and great perspective.
VERY well done, Lori :)
franchini marco
{K:-490} 1/27/2006
Very good B&W. I like the interesting night shot and place choice too. Best regards Dubravko. Marco
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 12/27/2005
excellent travail... je sais combien c'est difficile de travailler la nuit... très belle image...
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 12/6/2005
Very moody and atmospheric, works well my friend. I like it.
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 12/6/2005
Wonderful feelings of the solitude in night.
n white
{K:-636} 12/4/2005
I like the use of grain here, and also how you caught all the lights flaring through the trees. Great mood, with the lone walker.
Guy Dube
{K:6932} 12/2/2005
Beautiful shot Dubravko, strong contrastes. I like it. Best regards Guy
User No longer active
{K:-71} 11/30/2005
jako lijepa nocna fotografija.vrlo misticno zahvaljujuci smrznutom drvecu...lijepo uhvaceno
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 11/28/2005
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 11/28/2005
Excellent capture Dubravko! Beautiful perspective and dramatic landscape! Congrats! Roberto.
Ivan Kralik
{K:1099} 11/28/2005
Odlicana fotografija Dubravko ! Mozda bi onaj cetvrti lampinjon trebalo malo prigusiti, ali i pored toga, fotografija je JAKA
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 11/27/2005
Just amazing, Great photography, what a classic! I will check for this film to use, 3200 film, very interesting! Regards, Dirk.
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 11/27/2005
Very nice result with a ISO 3200 film. Wonderful.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 11/27/2005
A classic use of high contrast Dubravko. I had a book once that was completely dedicated to this type of printing. This reminds me of that book. Andre
ivan ivanovic-hagen
{K:404} 11/27/2005
super ! bas pravo mjesto za snjeg i maglu i sl.
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 11/27/2005
Very atmospheric. Perfect image for Delta 3200.
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 11/27/2005
It looks cold and lonely. Very powerful.
Dm3t Alash3ar
{K:1283} 11/26/2005
wonderful view .. great lighting .. nice details .. best regards .. dam3ah
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 11/26/2005
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 11/26/2005
Very powerful, evokative night photography. A classic BW! (I cannot recall how the KIEVs look[ed].) Best: György
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 11/26/2005
Wonderful different night photograph Nigel
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 11/26/2005
Wonderful!!!!!!Love the dark side of trees in contrast with candid snow!!! Best.
Ismet Smajis
{K:6911} 11/26/2005
zadivljujuca slika,bogata detaljima 7/7
Lars Tjernagel
{K:1188} 11/26/2005
Wonderfull! Love the high contrast in this. Gives it a very nice effect.
Rodrigo D
{K:1577} 11/26/2005
Brassai. good.
Branimir Fagarazzi
{K:38367} 11/26/2005
Izvrstan rad.Jako mi se svidja.Koji si film koristio
Haris Calkic
{K:4908} 11/26/2005
jako lijepa scena odlicno prezentirana jaka fotografija!