Sha Feli
{K:-424} 11/15/2005
Beautiful tones
Chris Partida
{K:418} 11/7/2005
I like this a lot. The lines go all the way to the person walking away. Very well composed.
Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 10/20/2005
Odlicna perspektiva.
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 10/19/2005
Wonderful photo dear Dubravko,just like a cut of a moovie.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 10/18/2005
Nice tone!!
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 10/18/2005
Nice! Dirk.
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 10/17/2005
Super ulicna
John K. Choy
{K:591} 10/17/2005
Very nice scene !!
Jiri :-)
{K:681} 10/17/2005
Nice tonal range, beautiful classic film look. Why is it's name Departure ?
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 10/17/2005
Nice composition! I like the wall...
Branimir Fagarazzi
{K:38367} 10/17/2005
Uvijek mi je drago viditi svoje ime.Iako u ovom slucaju fali slovo. Pozdrav