Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 1/20/2006
Beautiful natural scene, Greg! I love the tones and the quiet, peaceful mood on this one. Newfoundland looks like a great place to see and I'd hope to do that soon!
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 12/6/2005
Hi Greg. I play with some pictures to learn more about working with PS. That doesn't make my results any better or worse than a beautiful, unaltered picture that Mother Nature has presented. Just do what you like to do. That's what it's all about, not comparisons. MAry
Greg Baggs
{K:431} 11/29/2005
Mary, I should also tell you a little bit about this picture. It is quite scenic for certain but this is in Newfoundland! The beach is not sand but is hand sized smooth beach rocks. The ocean is the North Atlantic so even though it was a beautiful sunny day it wasn't as warm as it looks. And no one goes swimming! And you don't want to know about the 7km dirt road full of potholes nor the flies! Photos can be a bit deceiving (lol).
Greg Baggs
{K:431} 11/29/2005
Mary, Thanks for all the lovely comments. I'd reply to each individually but that would take some time! If I can recall a few things you said, first about being Mr. Travelling man. Well that trip was quite a few years ago. I have been going through old albums and picking some of my favorite past shots. When you think these shots are over 15 years apn it's not all that much travelling. I think I've posted enough old stuff now to start my portfolio. Time to take some new pics! I have looked through most of your pictures and find I like them very very much but I don't any constructive words. I feel like my photos are not quite creative enough to compare with work like yours. But maybe my new stuff will be more inspired (whenever I get any)! Thanks, Greg.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 11/29/2005
It looks like a wonderful place to walk along the beach for miles. I relly like the golden tones in the foreground. Is this gorgeous place always this deserted? MAry
Greg Baggs
{K:431} 11/27/2005
Thanks Vanessa. It's a nice place but not exactly the carribean. The beach is also not sand but smooth beachrocks.
Greg Baggs
{K:431} 11/27/2005
Lisa thank you for the comments on my photos. Yesy this one is a little grainy. I guess maybe i pushed it too far with PS.
Greg Baggs
{K:431} 11/27/2005
Thanks Hesham for the nice comments. I love seashores.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 11/25/2005
The beach looks like it goes on for miles ,nice image,best wishes vanessa
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 11/25/2005
Looks a bit grainy, but still a beautiful location.
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 11/25/2005
oooooh woooow, what a beatiful view. the curve of the beach, the turquoise colour & the pure sky. well done dear. plz, visit my page because i've done the idea of sea curve. H.A