György Szönyi
{K:10011} 1/5/2006
The moon is incredible, the whole composition is very beautiful. COngratulations: Gyorgy
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 12/29/2005
Jan, I like simple composition like the one and either you were in right place at right time (and with camera of course) or you manipulated the image in PS - for me doesn't matter - the effect counts and you have done it right. Cheers, n.j
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 11/21/2005
Wow!! Excellent momment captured Jan! Beautiful work! Congrats! Roberto.
Jan de Olde
{K:399} 11/19/2005
Hoi Riny,
Inderdaad, maar je kunt niet alles hebben he?
Bedankt weer voor de reactie en het compliment.
Sam King
{K:373} 11/19/2005
really love this shot, the calmness, and simplicity X
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 11/19/2005
A nice composition and vision.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 11/19/2005
Jammer nou Jan dat de maan niet zo rond is maar de ganzen maken het plaatje in zijn algemeen af!! Schitterende werk!! Riny