Morgan Estill
{K:3786} 3/21/2006
Talk about the definition of magnificent! I love the bottom-up view on cats - makes them look very magestic. Great work, Sally.
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 12/7/2005
What a shot .. Well done Sally .. Great DOF .. Nice angle ..
Best regards, aLi
Martin .
{K:24957} 12/7/2005
Nice Kitty... As far, as your question goes, you couldn't have chose a better DOF... But I don't believe you used a f/5.6 on this 1... Looks more like f/1.8... Perhaps a different lens?
Well done indeed,
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/6/2005
wooww so marvelous tiger, the magnific gesture and pose.. the king! i like it roby
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 12/5/2005
beautiful tiger congrats
Len Webster
{K:25714} 11/30/2005
Excellent shot - you look so near!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 11/28/2005
Hi Sally,
it's all a focus thing ;-) If you partly close your eyes you won't see the fence as well.
wonderful closeup catch - I would like to send out my hand to the tiger. great colors.
best wishes, Thilo
Massimiliano Vono
{K:990} 11/28/2005
Superb!! fantastic position and pose!
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 11/28/2005
This is a very good shot, Sally, and I'm glad that you asked the question that you did. I've wondered the same thing. It looks like you got lots of good answers! Thanks for your comment...much appreciated! Kathy
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 11/27/2005
What a nice prince, Sally. So serious and majestic. I like the blurred trees in the background, a kind of counterpoint to the zigzags of the patterns of his fur. Best, György PS: Thanks for your comment on the Moon picture, I am going to give further tried with various speeds.
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 11/26/2005
Great colours and very majestic pose, lighting is great too. This shot could easily be on a magazine cover. Well done.
{K:2089} 11/21/2005
Great Capture Sally. outsatnding Dof with nice tons.
regards cytte
Bryan Jarmain
{K:11941} 11/18/2005
Lovely perspective and taken in a wak that makes the tiger really look like taken on the role of a king. Well done, Sally.
good bye !!!
{K:259} 11/18/2005
nice shot. I have a lot of photos like this, where there was a net. But with the zoom lens it takes it away. I have a photo of a wolf like that.

Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 11/17/2005
A superb shot of this magnificent animal, Sally! Further to Den's helpful reply, if you'd taken it with a compact, as opposed to an SLR, you'd almost certainly have seen the netting!! Best regards, Chris
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 11/17/2005
Great Shot Sally, I won't go into detail of why the fence was blurred as that has already been ansewered.
I Love the expression The Tiger has..l..its almost as if....Boy are you lucky there is a fence between us...or else its lunch time. Well shot...The Details are Fantastic! Best Regards
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 11/17/2005
Hi Brian - the shutter was a little faster - at 1/320 - but they don't list it. They reckon that as long as the speed is quicker than the length of the lens - it's hand holdable - so I left it on 1/320 all day - so I didn't have to piddle about too much :)
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 11/17/2005
This is wonderful. The tiger has an expression that shows that he is better and bigger than you.. Great picture Sally. Don.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 11/17/2005
Beautifully taken Sally, a perfect dof, in more ways than one :)) and an excellent composition, well done!
brian underdown
{K:-960} 11/17/2005
i see had u had a lovely time at the zoo,i think your question has been answered pretty accurately.also if this was handheld you have done remarkably well to maintain the focus even at the fast shutter speed.lovely shot nice large subject dominating the picture. hope to see some more.and dont u just love cats so natural in there pose.
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 11/17/2005
That sounds painful Margaret!
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 11/17/2005
Thanks for the answer Den - it still amazes me that you can't see any fence on the tiger - and yet I can still see the pattern of it amoungst the leaves in the background.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 11/17/2005
Sally this a really great capture, and I see Den [my partner] has already answered your question. I recently put up an owl shot which was taken through netting where I got near enough to eliminate the lines. I also tried to get a shot of a bird which kept walking up to the other end of the cage. I lean't so far forward I fell and landed head first into a bed of nettles. [I saved the camera :)] Will attach the shot I got, which shows how I 'nearly made it' Margaret

AJ Miller
{K:49168} 11/17/2005
Ah, the magic of photography: the camera never lies, huh? I suppose that as the netting blurs more and more due to the DOF, it becomes in effect a thin veil over the image that you cannot see.
He looks kind of stuffed (as in "cuddly toy" rather than "with food") and has a very superior expression. The tiger colours stand out very nicely against the background.
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 11/17/2005
Sally, what a fabulous shot of this tiger. Beautifully exposed and composed althogh you did have much say in the pose. To answer your question. The result is caused by DOF. The fence would have been close enough to have been thrown out of focus sufficiently for it not to be noticeable. DOF works both in front and behind the point of focus. Hope this helps. I have a shot of a tiger in my porfolio taken with the same lense as you and have obtained the same result. Regards Den