sherrihan mohamed
{K:462} 2/1/2007
HI bashmohandish sherif,,this is ur student sherrihan...1st: nice picture and this is not the 1st i saw to u,,, 2nd: the lighting is great..showing the interaction between building and landscape is great too
sherrihan mohamed
{K:462} 2/1/2007
HI bashmohandish sherif,,this is ur student sherrihan...1st: nice picture and this is not the 1st i saw to u,,, 2nd: the lighting is great..showing the interaction between building and landscape is great too
Sherif Morgan
{K:25} 3/13/2006
Merci ya Omar :)
Omar Amroussy
{K:4502} 3/13/2006
Good Work Sherif & welcome
Sherif Morgan
{K:25} 11/17/2005
Merci, Ya Yasmine ... Nice to have everybody around :)
Yasmine El Sissy
{K:1299} 11/17/2005
very nice composition & colors it seems the sky was gr8 that day too i agree with the leaf too v good start:) welcome to usefilm yasmine
Sherif Morgan
{K:25} 11/12/2005
Thanks Judi ...
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 11/12/2005
Wonderful capture with great sky colour and lighting over the architecture.
Sherif Morgan
{K:25} 11/8/2005
Thanks Nadim, Thanks Mazin for your support :)
mazin a.karim
{K:1057} 11/8/2005
Hey Sherif... Welcome to UF Hope u enjoy and learn here.. I like this shot a lot the angle is perfect with the meaning... the shadows... most of all i love the cloud trails to the left... they seem like energy waves.. I have to be with Nour on cropping that single leave at the top... looks very irritating.. Keep it up..!! EZT.
Ahmed Nadim
{K:437} 11/8/2005
very nice composition. keep it up.
Sherif Morgan
{K:25} 11/8/2005
Thanks Nour for your professional comment... I like your analysis and agree with the idea of cropping but would rather not enclose the church in a frame to give a feeling of direct, non obstructed relation with God.
Sherif Morgan
{K:25} 11/8/2005
Thanks Ya Omnia, Your photos are great too specialy the B&W eye capture ... Good Luck with your Studies
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 11/8/2005
welcome to UF excellent shot as a start, the colors are very good and the angle, you could crop this leaf in the top of the pic, or include more of it in the top so enclosure in the composition could happen
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 11/7/2005
Sherif welcome to usefilm in first isA u'll enjoy ur time in here nice gr8 shot u have here i love this church gedan (specially enaha le Ramsis Wessa Wassef) ok keep it up w thnx alot 3ala el urban desgin 2day :) Omnia :)