Mary Brown
{K:71879} 1/12/2006
If you had not mentioned the hydro tower, I'd have not noticed it. It took me a while to see it. Beautiful moody shot, Todd. The flock of birds really is agreatr element. MAry
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 11/13/2005
Well composed, and moody. The flock of birds adds to the scene quite nicely.
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 11/6/2005
Thanks, Mark! I really appreciate your support and encouragement.
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 11/6/2005
Thanks, Nigel! I didn't notice the reflection before!
Nigel Watts.
{K:5243} 11/5/2005
Would make a wonderful postcard, got some reflection in the water to. great layer effect and depth with the grass in the foreground and trees behind. Nigel
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 11/1/2005
Very well done mood shot, Todd. I really like your choice of B&W for this as well. (I know the last time I told you that it wasn't, but I saw the portfolio this time!)
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 11/1/2005
Hi Dave,
I didn't even notice the flock of birds until I got home and reviewed my pics. I didn't notice the hydro tower either. That I could do without.
Thanks for commenting, and thanks for sending the warm weather. ;^)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/1/2005
Very nice moody, atmospheric shot, Todd! Looks good in b/w. I like the flock of birds, too! Dave.