Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 1/18/2007
I like the tones and composition. beautiful portafolio.
Cristina D
{K:8080} 11/17/2005
Hi Sally, looking to ur last posts I feel a little bit sadness there, I hope I`m wrong and pls. excuse me for this intervetion. ok, now looking better at this photo I see abstract (the rocks with the grass) combined very well with a landscape;it seems to be 2 diff. photos in one! Thanks a lot for ur very nice words reg. my last post!
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 11/3/2005
Thanks for your visit and kind words, Sally. Here is another fine, classic landscape of yours. I especially like the stone fence in the foreground. It is so essentially northern British/Irish. Beautifully frames the melancholic, pastell view. Best: Gyorgy
Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 10/26/2005
Sally this is fantastick Ilove the defusion that you have done to it,a very moody capture indeed my dear Sally love it !!!!!!!!!!. My wife and I come down there some times it is a beautiful part of the country in the sumer for photographing. My best regards.....Bob Aldridge. PS thanks for your comment and suport thank you.
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 10/23/2005
I like the way you've brought out some of the red in the wall (I hadn't spotted it!). It's not one of my better shots I know. Thank you for cheering it up a little.
Martin .
{K:24957} 10/23/2005
I really like the framing and fog in the background. Wonderful and colorful rock wall, as well... I hope you don't mind, but my creative side had to play a little...
Well done my friend,

Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 10/23/2005
To be truthful, I hadn't - but now I can say I did!
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 10/21/2005
I like this shot Sally! If you have meant to maintain the rocks in the foreground as perspective then you have done an outstanding job. Cheers :)
James Bambery
{K:13421} 10/18/2005
I know what thats like;) This didn't turn out that bad though. It's kind of moody.
brian underdown
{K:-960} 10/18/2005
alternative ps attached.using layers dont kno if it is better or not.
Endre Novak
{K:12666} 10/18/2005
I do not this it that way, not that bad, actually, but would crop from the bottom. Endre
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 10/17/2005
Thanks for the honesty Sam - I think I should probably crop the lot! I was just itching to put a photo on to prove I didn't waste an entire Saturday (when I did!)
brian underdown
{K:-960} 10/17/2005
u got mail.!
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 10/17/2005
I thought the wall had a fur top to it at first! But you know what? This is actually far better than lots of images on UF that get "Great shot 7+++" comments just because that's what everyone says when certain people upload their images. There's a fine play of contrasting textures here.
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 10/17/2005
Hi Brian - I know I should - but I don't! If you've got broadband and can read a Nikon Raw (.NEF) file - I could send you the original so you can see just how poor it was to start!
brian underdown
{K:-960} 10/17/2005
hi sally are you working with layers??
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 10/17/2005
Hi My friend.....I Like the shot...Any thought of cropping out about 90% of the rock wall...it is a bit overpowering. Best Regards
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 10/17/2005
Thanks for the honesty Don - I should have stayed in the tea rooms!
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 10/17/2005
Thanks for the honesty - it's already Ps'd to death!
brian underdown
{K:-960} 10/17/2005
We all have those days, and thank god god for digital otherwise its an expensive stroll. however to me the rock and the grass have a nice colour feel to them but as you begin to look a field the sky lets it down. to me this has all potential for a bit os PS to bring it to life.
regards brian.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 10/17/2005
Some days it is just hard to find good things to photograph. My feeling on this one is the rock wall is just a bit overpowering. It stops one from viewing what is behind it.. Don.