City - Kansas CIty State - KANSAS Country - United States
This is super grainy, but that's okay It's a little dark but the more i lightened it the grainier it got. I should have put the light in front of him instead of behind him so there wouldn't be a shadow on his face, but it was kind of a candid picture, i didn't have much choice.
Hi Megan .. You've got a great portfolio .. well done .. some great shots .. great portraits .. This isn't the greates .. but the last so I decided to comment this one .. anyway .. a good shot wich could have been better. The black line behind his head somehow gives me the feeling that something's comming out of his head !! the grains aren't important at all .. in fact they can add a lot to the shot .. it's just a bit underexposed .. the composition's pretty good but i prefer cropping it square .. anyway all my idea's .. they might be wrong and maybe you like it the way you took it but anyway I played around with it a bit in PS .. hope you don't mind ..