Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 11/28/2005
thanks ayman ..... why dont u work on this picture and lets see what u like :) Thaks once again
Ayman AlJammaz
{K:485} 11/27/2005
I like the composition very much
I could see this photo in B&W I think it will make a big difference with some tone changes in PS
try it? :)
best regards
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 11/18/2005
i was counting days since u last came 1,,,,2,,,3,,,and they continued where is ur submission good shoot a playful sprit of the childern is intact in it............
Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 10/15/2005
thanks trish
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 10/15/2005
love the look here. it has chid play written all over. excellent sharpness and textures shown.
Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 10/12/2005
Dear Moe .... thanks for ur remarks .... actually i shot this quite early in the morning, so no kids at play .. ths is the yesterday's play field ... but thanks for ur observations
Moe Rabie
{K:4390} 10/11/2005
hey .. it is very nice, didn't u think adding girl playing ?? u take the same shoot but with girl, it might be good :), my regards Moe
Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 10/11/2005
thanks D
Dushan B. Hadnadjev
{K:366} 10/10/2005
Ivan Kralik
{K:1099} 10/10/2005
Himandri, interestedly representation perspective. Kralik
Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 10/9/2005
dear mohsen yoy are too kind .... please be critical .... i am awaiting ur advice on the digital VS film
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 10/9/2005
really well done abstract shot...just Superb!...Bravo dear!+7! cheers, Mohsen
Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 10/9/2005
thanks amit
Amit Jain
{K:923} 10/9/2005
Amazing clarity... gives a feeling of one being there!!! great perspective also.... textures are gr8 u can actually see the small small holes!! Thae light angle is good too!! Good abstract! regards Amit