hakan .....
{K:-52} 9/30/2005
ben bu resim sadece olmak...
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 9/22/2005
modelin arkasinin donuk olmasi konuyu depresiflik katmis. gelinlik (bende ilk akla gelen sey o oldu) giymesi de bunu iyi guclendirmis. kim gelinlik giyip balkon kenarina oturur ki ? simgeler cok guzel bu karede, ben cok begendim... iyi bir baslangic usefilme. umarim devami da boyle olur karelerinizin. bende keyifle izlerim. tebrikler, tesekkurler,
carlo 7/7
Bulent Ozturk
{K:6886} 9/22/2005
wonderful compositions, quite beautiful tones and perfect image quality.
congrats and welcome to U.F.
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/21/2005
this is a very dramatic picture..another one of those shots that tells a story just in a still shot. great composition and scene. well done Anthony
Cetin Ozer
{K:2732} 9/21/2005
Merhaba Basak, Çok güzel ama gökyüzü biraz- daha koyu olsa, mükemmel olurdu.. Tebrikler.. :)
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 9/21/2005
so emotional capture this. BW tones very good. but i wish seen different backround, i think in this way capture feels interest mood.
regards, jezabel.
basak demircan
{K:0} 9/21/2005
dear galal, thanks:)
basak demircan
{K:0} 9/21/2005
dear camila, thanks four your comment.
basak demircan
{K:0} 9/21/2005
no,she didn't. ı didn't let.;) thanks.
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 9/21/2005
Wonderful mood, very romantic image!!! well captured
- -
{K:517} 9/21/2005
My heart started beating faster, really! Loved the shot! Congratulations!!
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/21/2005
hope she didn't jump. Good picture for a nice start.
basak demircan
{K:0} 9/21/2005
Zeljana Maric
{K:432} 9/21/2005
himmer über istanbul :) wonderful. I'd even increase the contrast in this one, but it's nice as it is.