Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 9/23/2005
Nice mood in here, something about serenity, but not static, with the runner of course, but also the perspective drawn by the riverbank.
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 9/21/2005
Very good composition, and nice atmosphere - I like the fog and how the red spot stands aout against the green. Looks as if you have lots of nice shots from your visit to Germany !
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 9/20/2005
Thanks Sudhir for the great comment. It brings back memories of when I was in the cattle business and a sort of cowboy. I was wearing the boots, hat and all. Don.
Jeff Quigley
{K:965} 9/20/2005
Nice shot. I like the way the jogger's red jacket stands out.
Sudhir K. Reddy
{K:7583} 9/20/2005
That jog & the capture is priceless Don!! Didn't you feel like jumpin-off the cruise to run alongside, to soak-in such an idyllic setting a li'l more? Only a misty morning around the feedyards with a cowboy monitoring the heads of black baldy, would come close to this shot, for a midwesterner like me. Throwin' in a free idea from this side of the Atlantic.....Cheers!
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 9/20/2005
Ah...I see you've taken up the fog shot habit...nice soft landscape Don...looks like Springtime
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/20/2005
Wonderful composition Don!!! The fog is great! I like how the lone runner is positioned and that speck of red He's/She's wearing.The green grass is so vivid and the fog looks so good! Nice work my friend! Take care!...........John 7 !
Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 9/20/2005
Great shot, Don. The jogger in red grabs the eye. Nicely done! Larry
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 9/20/2005
I like that spash of colour, Don! It really adds interest to your shot. Great view of the mist rolling in! Dave.
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 9/20/2005
Beautiful scene Don well done.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 9/20/2005
Hi Cary, I was there in April of this year. Still have pictures to post. Thanks for your wonderful comments. Don.
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 9/20/2005
Very beautiful this time of year, outstanding work Don
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 9/20/2005
Great shot Don love that foggy look! What the heck are you doing there? Long way from home, I was hoping to be there this month too, but will have to just see more of your pics, have fun, Cary