mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/15/2006
Merci Ali jan to lotf dari ;)))
ali kalali
{K:12} 7/14/2006
AAly ...AAly ..khaili Alyee AXat ...:)
mary karimi
{K:10818} 6/12/2006
thank you dear João... you are soooo kind.
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 6/11/2006
Excelent photograph dear MKarimi Bravo !! Hugs joão
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 5/9/2006
Deep Blue , so cool ..hard nice shot mary.
Fethi Mağara
{K:671} 11/14/2005
mary karimi
{K:10818} 10/29/2005
thanks Mansour jan.
Mansour Nasiri
{K:35} 10/29/2005
one of your best photos.
Sameh Odeh
{K:4717} 10/17/2005
Wonderful Blury shot,and great colours.. well done Mary great shot.. Best regards
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 10/11/2005
beautiful and strange shot well done+++7
mary karimi
{K:10818} 10/9/2005
akse jadid ferestadam ;)
mary karimi
{K:10818} 10/8/2005
Mohammad Reza mamnoon..... az peygirit vaghean mamnonam.....in chand vaghte saram bad joori shologh bood......hata vaght nakarde boodam be site sar bezanam.......az farda shoroo mikonam................ merci ;)
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 10/8/2005
chera dige aks nemizari tu site?
mary karimi
{K:10818} 10/7/2005
thanks my dear Shady for your nice describe and feeling.... that's honor!
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/7/2005
very nice as a photoart dear mary ,extremely wonderful 7/7
Bint Ahmed
{K:333} 10/5/2005
excellent picture i do like the blury look it really enhanced the picture more
mary karimi
{K:10818} 9/28/2005
Kind...actually you are kind ;)
mary karimi
{K:10818} 9/28/2005
Rohit A
{K:569} 9/27/2005
Surreal but nice....actually surreal is nice:) great work.... regards rohit
{K:10535} 9/27/2005
Ayse Altan
{K:3905} 9/24/2005
Congrats Mary. This looks magical, enchanting... ayse
Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 9/24/2005
I love it !
marjan hasoumi
{K:242} 9/23/2005
very nice shot with good lights & colors my friend
Aram Gharib
{K:4656} 9/22/2005
Great and nice shot. Colors and the blur are perfect. As perfect as is the composition. Thanks for sharing.
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 9/22/2005
Great idea with great colors. isn't it a little bit "grainy"? Maybe coz of the situation. :) Creative thought though. Regards
Hussam Abdul Nour
{K:3799} 9/22/2005
fantastic shot & very nice colores well done Mary,,
jude .
{K:14625} 9/22/2005
Strange and kind of wonderful...like something in a dream.
shahabeddin .H
{K:1157} 9/21/2005
hi mary thank u i like ur capture s peace & love 4 u
Hamed Noori
{K:6805} 9/21/2005
Wow . Very good shot . i like it
mary karimi
{K:10818} 9/21/2005
Ciao my caro Paolo
mi piace to learn these Italian words thanks for your teaching... io sono felice to have a great friend(also teacher) like you :)
Luca Luca®
{K:2429} 9/20/2005
really insolit picture , i've never seen before. this shot has something of ethereal
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 9/20/2005
ok little italian lesson for you! :)
bacio = kiss best wishes = migliori auguri greetings = saluti Hello = ciao I like = mi piace dear = caro I am happy = io sono felice
have a nice evening = buona serata
Mehdi Noshad
{K:135} 9/20/2005
salam mary akset vaghean fazaye khoobi dare be man hesse parvaz mide va mesle in mimoone ke soojeh az fazaee namoteaaref dare varede zamin mishe. mojoodi az faza ya shayadam dare be fazaye dige`ee vared mishe! Mehdi
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 9/20/2005
{K:11924} 9/20/2005
Great blurry image with emotion and mysteriousness. Wonderful colors and I like the slight grain to it, nicely done.
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 9/19/2005
Excellent capture dear Mary,the mysterious effect achieved here is magnificent Bravo Best regards
Kam Broumand
{K:-82} 9/19/2005
Hi Mary jan,
Excellent! Your creativity at it's best! This shot has such a dreamy effect to it. Very well composed! I love it :)
Tim Morgan
{K:1023} 9/19/2005
Salam Mary Oh this is an interesting shot! THis would look grand printed 20" x 30" framed and hanging on the wall. The colors are muted and smooth. I cannot imagine it any other way. I just wish I had been there to witness how the image was made. Was there a trampoline involved?
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 9/19/2005
Is this a picture or a dream of yours?
ertan ezen
{K:2} 9/19/2005
if i saw this vision in my dream i wake up with screaming.
but now, i am just breathless. it's persuading.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 9/19/2005
mamnoonam ali jan az rahnameet...are midoonam man zaaf haye technici ziyadi daram va hanooz avale raham va in akksha hata dar hade taklif ham nist .... in aksi ham ke ferestadam ba inke midoonestam por az eshkale faghat be khatere hessi ke behem midad ferestadam. inam midoonam ke kassani ke hamishe tarif mikonan lozooman dost nistan....bazam mamnoon az yadavarit....va mamnoon az filter P.L :)
Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 9/19/2005
Very mysterius shot! Good work! Igor
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 9/18/2005
What a wonderful, interesting image. This swimmer rising from the depths is like the birth of an idea, gradually becoming clearer. Excellent!
Kevin Green
{K:117} 9/18/2005
dorood mary! tasvir: jazab ...amigh ama hamrah ba zafe shadid tecnicy ! shayad tajob cony ama kasany ke az to tarif mikonan lozooman dost nistan !!!!! say con az fillter P.L bishtar estefade kony! sepas va bedrood! ALI
Golnaz Beheshti
{K:164} 9/18/2005
good shot
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 9/18/2005
good job. tanx for your comment. M.reza
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 9/18/2005
good job. tanx for comment mary. M.reza
Endre Novak
{K:12666} 9/18/2005
Agree, close to surrealism, like the colours and the mystic tones. Congrats, dear Mary! Endre
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 9/18/2005
-I mean,with Robert,(!!)
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 9/18/2005
Mary-e aziz...I'm whit Robert,"this is a perfect artwork! Looks like a aquarell artistic painting!" Great capture...Bravo!+7! cheers, Mohsen
Uri Lidsky
{K:4932} 9/18/2005
very nice blurry image. i think it could have been better if it was just a bit less blurry, but still i like it. Uri.
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 9/18/2005
pan g.
{K:16899} 9/18/2005
Ohh... it would never think og it.You've done a great work Mary, picture by picture you're getting better and better.Bravo :)
Ali Peyman
{K:1176} 9/18/2005
This is Great !! Light, Blurry Image, I can hear her like bloablblboabbl ;)
mary karimi
{K:10818} 9/18/2005
simply, maybe for dear Pan is a so simple task ;) to get more details see the reply to mundh.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 9/18/2005
Wonderful blurry image with great colours. Like looking in a dream.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/18/2005
Dreamy and hunting - great blurry pic!!!!
Sayhoon Ayoubi
{K:290} 9/18/2005
nice colors... its like water paintin'...
pan g.
{K:16899} 9/18/2005
Hey Mary!!! How is it going? So gorgeous colours,so surreallistic!! How did you mage this setup?
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 9/18/2005
What a beutiful blurry vision! Looks like a aquarell artistic painting! The blue color is very watered tones (my favorite color)! Excellent mystic viewing! Mary this is a perfect artwork! Congrats! Well presented composition! :) 7+++ My best regards! Robert
mary karimi
{K:10818} 9/18/2005
no dear mundh, I did it out side water: a swimmer came to me from the depth of 3 Meters,I stood near the water while bending and watching her through Lens 28-200 mm, consider that it was captured without flashing. feel free to ask me any questions about this shot...and also the others ;)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 9/18/2005
nice idea it seem a paint with water color..just a thing i dont' like the black point in the image.
take care :)
{K:2089} 9/18/2005
hi, i didnt see this one. hehe. just show it. what great shot mary. its like a paint used by water color. nice colors.
{K:3974} 9/18/2005
a creative blur image. ,u took ur cam under water?if not how did u took this?
André Bermak
{K:14443} 9/18/2005
Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!Deveras misterioso, fantástica concepção!!!!!!!!
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 9/18/2005
Amazing dream Mary , nice composition , Best regards .
laphael wang
{K:2318} 9/18/2005
A surrealism work,I like the blur image and blue hue.good work,and the high sensitivity of film maybe enhance the blur .
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 9/18/2005
great shot,afareen.
Michael Rydh
{K:111} 9/18/2005
Very nice and mysterius shot!