Kimmy Magino
{K:2457} 9/17/2005
Very original composition. Keep shooting.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/16/2005
A very interesting view of the GGB Tony!The view thru the chain link fence is unique!The photo seems to have a left tilt but maybe its an illusion? I like the lighting and the colors. The title is super! Overall a very good photo Tony! Congrats! My best..................John PS. Thanks for Your kind comment!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 9/16/2005
Great lighting and good composition, Tony! Since the fence was there, and you probably couldn't avoid it, I like the way you've blended it into the image. Dave.
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 9/16/2005
Very nice!
Phillip Swanson
{K:7013} 9/16/2005
i really enjoy the softness of the urban gate on the right, wish the texture carried over to the left a bit, fences when blurred have such a wonderful quality, great coloring and motion on the bridge, i love the brightness of both the forground and background
wonderful capture,
sorry if my preview image didnt work
