andree lerat
{K:17476} 9/16/2005
I am in awe of the hard work it took to get this shot. Being forced to diet on Mai Tai mix and lying around on the beach sounds like unfair punishment as a reward for such a superg capture.
I think this should do it... Right? :) Andree
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 9/16/2005
Great action shot, Mark! You stopped him dead in the air! Dave.
Mark Mahar
{K:3233} 9/15/2005
One word? FUN???? I spent hours, days, weeks setting up this shot, just lying there on the beach waiting for the perfect moment to capture this amazing athelete at the absolute pinnacle of his skill and energy and all I get is a lousy fun? Do you have any idea how much sunblock and Mai Tai mix I went through in search of this extreme photgraphic opportunity? What is Usefilm coming to? How do you expect to ever get on the featured critique section of the front page with just one little insignificant 1 word commentary? OK, I'm done. Was my tongue imbedded far enough in cheek? -mm
andree lerat
{K:17476} 9/15/2005
Mark Mahar
{K:3233} 9/15/2005
Grazie il mio amico. Un commento piacevole...-mm
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 9/15/2005
Grande scatto. Ottima cattura.
Mark Mahar
{K:3233} 9/15/2005
Thanks George. Yes I was on the beach and it was kind of an overcast day but I was close enough to get these handheld with the 75-240mm. At the long end on the D100 it equates to 360mm so not too bad cosidering how fast these guys hit the wave. Cheers, -mm
George Black
{K:102014} 9/15/2005
Great action shots! (Why is there no project or category for "Action"? Or birds?) You must have been on the beach when you shot these. Really wonderful . . . Regards, --George