Prince-De'Vshon Day
{K:397} 2/27/2008
wow, I like this one. This bird is strangely frightening...
{K:509} 10/8/2005
Succesfull close shot Diego, Regards Emin
{K:3974} 9/14/2005
haha funny picture, sayin bye , it matches with the title, good idea diego
Diego Latt
{K:6884} 9/3/2005
Gracias a vos Gustavo por darme la bienvenida y sobre por tus hermosas fotos, realmente gracias... Un placer para mi conocerte. Nuevamente gracias Nos vemos...
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/3/2005
Hola Diego, un gusto conocerte, gracias por comentar mi foto y bienvenido a UseFilm.. Nos estamos viendo!
Diego Latt
{K:6884} 9/2/2005
Thank you Marcus... I've been see your photos and are amazing... congratulations
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 9/2/2005
very cute shot, the detail is perfect as well as the perspective well done....
joanna ewa
{K:8061} 9/2/2005
I see you very well:) you are nice