Ron Harrington
{K:766} 8/29/2005
I like this, wish I had one in my backyard!
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 8/17/2005
Nice piece of nostalgia, Del. One doesn't have to go back to the 40s for those prices. Wasn't it rationed back then because of the war? The price per gallon here in north Louisiana was 25 cents in the early 70s. It was the "alleged" world oil shortage in the late 70s or early 80s that drove the prices up. Now the oil companies and governments don't give a reason. They just up the price and our governments allow it. It just plain and simple greed.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/13/2005
If only Del lol
Den's lens is currently cruising around the Fjords and there is no way Uncle Den will be parted from it right now heh heh
Best wishes, Steve
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 8/13/2005
...paid $2.70 for unleaded regular yesterday...used to cost 10 bucks or less to fill my car...26 bucks...this is cutting into my photo walks!!!!
Michael J. Wagner
{K:5896} 8/13/2005
How I wish, it may hit $3.00 a gallon before long, great shot though!
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 8/13/2005
Yes. I remember the 19 cents also. I have had few questioning if gas was really ever 29. As I recall it was still 29 in the late 40's. Thanks for your comment.
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 8/13/2005
I remember buying gas for 19 cents a gallon! Egad! I must be really old. Nice nostalgic shot.
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 8/13/2005
Yes we DO wish.... what a great find! Nicely captured... Dottie
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/13/2005
You had to do this on the day our prices at the pump hit $1.05.9 Cdn per litre, didn't you, Del! Oh well, it's like the weather...wait a few days and it will change! Dave.
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 8/13/2005
Now I am showing my age. Yes, in the 1940's when this kind of pump was the standard type gas was 29 cents a gallon. Do not get too envious of those times as wages were equally as low.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 8/13/2005
Geesh, we are starting to push $1.00 a litre. $.29 sounds wonderful to me. What a beautiful old pump. Mary
mike donovan
{K:3698} 8/12/2005
P.S. Thats $1.50 a litre, not a gallon
mike donovan
{K:3698} 8/12/2005
29cents? Gas was never that cheap surely! It's just about $1.50 in NZ now. Great photo though!!! A real piece of history!
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 8/12/2005
Great shot Del , nice title , Kind regards .