City - Vienna State - VIRGINIA Country - United States
Many of my photos are taken on my daily walks. I discovered this cabin yesterday less than one half mile from my home in a small wooded area of only about an acre. I have roamed this area for 40+ years and never knew it was there. Before any well meaning friends suggest different angles I should have tried, you should know undergrowth almost prohibited my getting this one, but the real reason was that in obtaining this I angered a nest of ground dwelling yellow jackets and departed in a hurry. Still it was only after receiving over half a dozen stings on my arms. Fortunately my shirt and pants were heavy enough to protect me and I guess my face was too ugly. Even at that they managed to inflict enough damage to keep me awake with ice cubes a good part of last night. So friends, be kind in your constructive offerings as to better perspectives I could have chosen. Post filming suggestions of course are welcome. Sleepy itching Del
Great image Del. It's a little soft, but understandable if you were fighting under brush and yellow jackets! You did very well! I love that it's shaded but still caught a little glint of sun on the roof.
The scene is very beautiful but it can be more good if it was not blurry.
Enjoy {K:16125} 8/21/2004
What an expierence to find new things in an area you have roamed for so long..excellent...nice hidden shot...lovely...To me its as if you had just come upon it and shot a pic..I like it..