James Philip Pegg
{K:10138} 8/19/2005
Interesting portrait, I like it!
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 8/9/2005
yup a very sweet moment. I love the feel when looking a this so tender and loving.
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 8/9/2005
Susie, I think You hit the nail on the head with this shot, You have an awesome eye. I really like the cropping and the framing of this shot. Best regards Sam
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 8/8/2005
Beautiful and touching moment you captured Susie.....wonderful image!
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 8/8/2005
Lovely moment caught Susie. Well seen.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 8/8/2005
Excellent portrait Susie! Very beautiful momment! Great work! Congrats! Roberto.
Bulent Ozturk
{K:6886} 8/8/2005
lovely shot. Nice lights&colors. Dady's girl:) congrats Susie excellent capture.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 8/8/2005
Lovely moments, this is wonderful dear Susie! So familiar, sensitive composition. Wonderful colors and nice find! Beautiful work! Best wishes! Robert
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 8/8/2005
Very nice shot , good focus and lights .
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 8/8/2005
Hi, Susie! Yes, like it! Excellent moment is captured so well by you! All feelings are shown by their poses, very expressive! I do like everything at this picture, composition especially! My best wishes! Alexey.
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 8/8/2005
The colors of this one are great, as is the frame. I wish just a tiny bit more of either one of their faces were showing...this makes me want to see who they are (maybe that's what it's all about!) Kath