Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 7/17/2007
Growing in the back yard. Thanks
Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 7/16/2007
Hi Joe, What a very pretty flower, such a gorgeous colour, lovely composition and lighting 7+++++++++++++++++ Sylvia
Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 11/21/2006
Thank you very much.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 11/21/2006
More than wonderful..
Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 9/19/2005
Thank you Joanna. I never saw any in violet of this kind. Let's have it here Joanna so we could see it. Never mind the light
joanna ewa
{K:8061} 9/19/2005
I have the same flower, but some different color - it is violet, but the light on my photo is not good........ there is excellent view:)
Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 8/18/2005
Obrigado pelo comentário Márcia Um abraço
Marcia .
{K:16108} 8/15/2005
Olá Joe! Lindas cores e ótimos detalhes nesta pequenina flor. :-) Parabéns!
Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 8/5/2005
Thank you very much Best regards
Samantha P
{K:1961} 8/5/2005
Gorgeous colour you have captured here Joe!